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Irises Websites

- Category ID : 432146
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Company in France offering online sales of tall, intermediate, and small bearded irises, as well as iris publications.
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Blue Bird Haven Iris Garden

Iris nursery in California, providing mostly tall bearded varieties. Online product listing and order form. Also summary information about the Victorian show garden on the nursery premises.
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Chailey Iris Garden

Iris farm in the UK offering miniature to tall bearded varieties, specializing in rebloomers. Ships to most European countries.
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Chapman Iris

Hybridizer and grower of iris in Ontario, offers bearded, species, aril-bred, and Siberian varieties. Illustrated online catalog, and information on iris terminology, cultivation, and diseases, as well as open house events.
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Prevost Ranch and Gardens

California grower offering a wide variety of bearded iris. Includes planting guide.
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Sutton Iris Gardens

Commercial iris garden offering a range of iris varieties.
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Argyle Acres

Specializes in Texas hardy, bearded irises, and antique plants.
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Ensata Gardens

Grows and sells various species of iris, including Japanese and Siberian.
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Rainbow Iris Farms

Iowa nursery offering a wide assortment of bearded irises. Catalog searchable by color or type, with photos of most varieties. Select varieties also available at wholesale.
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Louisiana Iris Farms

Sells a varieties of irises.
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Iris City Gardens

Nashville, Tennessee nursery specializing in antique bearded iris and species crosses.
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Irises on the Hill

Missouri seller of "bearded" German iris. Option to select by height or color.
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Rainbow Acres

Iris hybridizer and nursery in California displays new introductions, and offers an online mail order catalog.
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Iris 4 U - Iris Gardens

Family-run iris nursery with display garden in Denver, Colorado. Online catalog, showcase of new introductions, and growing tips.
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Iris Colorado

Hybridizer Lowell Baumunk offers his own introductions as well as a large general assortment of bearded iris species and hybrids. Showcase of introductions, catalog, and printable order form.
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Iris Haven

Specialist Louisiana iris nursery in Sydney, Australia. Online illustrated catalog, new introductions, and world-wide ordering information. Also offers a few other iris varieties, calla lilies, and daylilies.
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Malevil Iris Gardens

Iris nursery and garden in Texas, offering over a thousand varieties of miniature to tall bearded irises. Catalog, new introduction showcase, information about events.
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Napa Country Iris Garden

Family-run commercial garden in California specializing in tall bearded irises. Catalog, recent introductions, information about care and culture, and about visiting the garden.
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Blue J Iris

Specialist nursery in Nebraska, offering a large assortment of bearded irises, emphasizing rebloomers, space age types, and other specialties. Illustrated online catalog.
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Tennessee State Iris Garden

Specializes in tall bearded iris, offering over a thousand varieties. Price list in PDF format. Also provides information on a pictorial reference book on tall bearded types, and on the Middle Tennessee Iris Society.
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