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New Jersey Websites

A florist is an establishment primarily engaged in the preparation and delivery of fresh-cut flower arrangements.- Category ID : 431026
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Englewood shop offering local delivery and wire service relay of arrangements for everyday occasions.
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Fischer Flowers

Stores in Atlantic City and Linwood delivering fresh arrangements locally and shipping plants and gourmet items nationally. Order by occasion, product type or price. Includes frequent purchaser program.
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West New York Florist

Offers fresh arrangements, plants and gift baskets for local delivery and wire service relay.
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Foggia Florists

Floral arrangements, weddings and special occasions, with greenhouses for fresh flowers and plants. Local delivery, transferring orders via wire service worldwide. Includes catalogs for everyday occasions, holidays and weddings.
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The Flower Boutique

Cherry Hill shop delivering fresh arrangements for everyday occasions, corporate offices and weddings locally and wire transferring internationally. Includes catalog of fruit, gourmet and plants.
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The Cottage Flower Shoppe

Delivers to Parsippany and Morris County with wire service referral nationally. Offers floral selections, custom gift baskets, plants, and dried and silk arrangements.
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Greenway Florist & Gifts

Floral shop and greenhouses delivering locally in the Hackettstown area and wiring orders worldwide. Specializes in custom arrangements.
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Donato Florist & Fruit Baskets

Roselle Park business delivering throughout Central New Jersey and transferring orders internationally. Includes ordering by season or by product type.
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The Hybrids Floral Design

Upper Montclair studio offering contemporary and unique fresh arrangements for everyday occasions, weddings and events in Cedar Grove, Glen Ridge and surrounding areas. Includes virtual tour of shop.
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Flowers by Gina

Aberdeen store providing fresh floral designs, plants, and fruit and gourmet baskets for local delivery to Matawan, Holmdel and vicinities and for worldwide transfer.
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