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Cross Stitch Websites

This category lists sites that sell supplies for cross stitch only.- Category ID : 430471
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The Art of Stitch

Offers cross stitch kits, charts, fabric and threads.
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Offers cross stitch kits, books, patterns, photo-to-stitch conversions.
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Stoney Creek Collection, Inc.

A selection of charts, kits, publications, thread, ribbon, fabrics and materials.
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Grim Hollow Stitchery

Cross stitch charts, fabrics and accessories. Local designers are featured. Based in Red Lion, Pennsylvania.
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The Silver Needle

Offers designs, supplies, accessories, gifts, and gadgets for counted cross stitch.
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Cross Stitch Treasures

Specializing in fabric, fibers, accessories, and designs.
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Needle Delights

Cross stitch designs, fabric, threads, beads and buttons and accessories.
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Wyndham Needleworks

Variety of products for cross stitch and counted thread embroidery techniques. [not suitable for all browsers]
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The Rocking Horse

Patterns, fabric, fibers and supplies for cross stitch. Unique framing examples.
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Cross Stitch Guild

Counted cross stitch patterns, free charts, advice, design software, supplies, and kits.
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ABC Stitch Therapy

Sells charts, kits, fabrics, needles, floss, beads and accessories.
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Salt and Pepper

Cross stitch supplies and ideas. Charts, fabrics, specialty beads, threads.
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Offers fabrics and threads including hand-dyed products.
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House of Stitches

Suppliers of floss, fabrics, charts, tools and accessories.
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Not Only But All Sew

Specialising in Americana style kits and charts, fabrics, accessories and threads.
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Offers cross stitch patterns, personalized kits and DMC threads, photo conversion and jewellery.
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Mail Order Needlecrafts

Australian flora and fauna counted kits, fabric, and accessories.
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McIntosh Samplers

Offers reproduction antique samplers, books on historical needlework, a variety of accessories.
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Busy Lizzie Crafts

Offering cross stitch, blackwork and longstitch kits, doll house miniatures, Irish linen tea towels, needles and scissors.
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Country Designs

Offers charts, booklets, fabric and thread packs, fabric, threads and beads. Also a distributor for Mystic Stitch products.
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Cross stitch and needle craft supplies, including kits, lamps, threads, fabrics, charts and frames.
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Specializing in car, bike and other transport cross-stitch charts, kits, and related materials. Custom designs also available.
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White Willow

Home of designers Jamie and Skyler Larson offers a variety of charts including pagan, photo and animals, as well as fabrics and accessories.
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The Stitchworks

A needlework and cross stitch specialty shop based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Includes information on classes and retreats, and mail order catalogue.
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Everything Cross Stitch

Stock charts, kits, fabrics, threads and accessories.
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Stitching Bits and Bobs

Supplies including fibers, charts, kits, fabrics, embellishments and gadgets.
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Aiguille Anglaise

Provides charts, kits and accessories.
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Offers fabrics, thread, scissors, frames, thread organizers and other items.
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Debs Cross Stitch

Offers needlework and cross stitch supplies.
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Stitch and Frog

Cross stitch patterns and accessories, including fabric and fibers.
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Leisurecraft - Tewkesbury

Offering charts from select name designers, and material packs to complete projects.
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Golden Light Designs

Cross stitch patterns to download in PDF, free and for sale. Also features some colored leaflets for sale.
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Abracraftdabra Designs

Highly detailed original counted cross stitch patterns, based on the work of licensed contemporary artists and the works of the old masters. Modern cross stitch patterns.
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Designs and sells cross stitch kits and accessories in the European Union.
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Golden Fibers Trading

Offers cross stitch supplies, leaflets, and downloadable charts in PDF . They also provide a photo-to-chart service.
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Cross Stitch Heaven

Carries a wide range of fabric, including Magic Guide, accessories, charts and kits. United Kingdom.
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Offering a large selection of cross stitch fabrics, charts and links.
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Sunrays Creations Needlearts

Sells counted cross stitch patterns, kits and printable patterns. Browse by category and by artist.
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Accents Lighthouses

Lighthouse cross-stitch design and historical information.
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DMC Corporation: Common Thread

Offers a line of cross-stitch threads and finished accessory items as well as patterns. Catalog of products by artisan.
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