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Jet Propulsion Laboratory Websites

- Category ID : 429499
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Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Managed for NASA by the California Institute of Technology, JPL is the leading U.S. center for robotic exploration of the solar system.
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Ocean Surface Topography from Space

Seeks to study the sea surface height. Maintaining a database of ocean surface topography can help predict short-term changes in weather and longer-term patterns of climate.
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MASTER - The MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator

The primary objective is to support the ASTER and MODIS instrument teams in the areas of algorithm development, calibration and validation.
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ASTER: Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer

A high resolution imaging instrument that is flying on the Terra satellite. Obtains detailed maps of land surface temperature, emissivity, reflectance and elevation of the Earth.
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Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT)

An autonomous celestial observatory developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and funded by NASA to study asteroids and comets. The facility is a cooperative effort between the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the United States Air Force designed to complete a comprehensive search of the sky for near-Earth asteroids and comets.
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Asteroid Radar Research

This web site is primarily a data-organization and communications tool that supports ongoing research by JPL scientists and our colleagues.
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JPL Solar System Dynamics

Provides detailed information related to known bodies in orbit around the sun. Ephemerides, physical parameters, Earth close-approaches, observer tools, etc.
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Mars Exploration Rover Mission

Latest news, press releases, and photos from Spirit and Opportunity.
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Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Table Mountain Facility

Scientific and engineering research facility. Projects, accommodations, history, and staff contacts. Wrightwood, California.
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