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Ames Research Center Websites

- Category ID : 429494
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Numerical Aerospace Simulation (NAS)

Our mission is to develop, demonstrate, and deliver innovative, distributed heterogeneous computing capabilities to enable NASA projects and missions.
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NASA Vision Group

A team of scientists and engineers who conduct research on human vision and visual technology for NASA missions.
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Astrobiology and Space Research Directorate

Conducts research, develops products, and serves the space community in astrobiology and related areas of earth, space, and life science. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and destiny of life in the universe.
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Earth Observing System

EOS consists of a science component and a data system supporting a coordinated series of polar-orbiting and low inclination satellites for long-term global observations of the land surface, biosphere, solid Earth, atmosphere, and oceans.
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The Planetary Rings Node

Devoted to archiving and distributing scientific data sets relevant to planetary ring systems. A large fraction of our data sets are from the Voyager missions to the outer planets, but Earth-based and HST data sets are also represented.
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Ames Research Center

NASA facility is charged with the mission of assisting with better life quality on earth, human exploration, space travel and the search for life on other planets. Includes news, virtual tour of the Mars exhibits, research projects, educational resources and staff.
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NASA Simulation Laboratories

Provides a state of the art suite of Aircraft and ATC simulators.
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The Operations Scheduling Project at NASA Ames

Researches and investigates applications of automated and interactive planning and scheduling technology to NASA missions.
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