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World War I Websites

Aircraft, pilots, and flying missions of World War One, also known as the Great War.- Category ID : 428810
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The Aerodrome

Comprehensive WWI aviation site featuring aces, aircraft they piloted, relevant books, and reference resources. Interactive features include a forum and guestbook.
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The League of WW-I Aviation Historians

Publishers of Over The Front, the leading journal in the field of Great War military aviation research. Stories of the men and missions, markings and colors of the aeroplanes, images, links to local chapters.
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Cross and Cockade International

The Society of World War One Aero Historians.
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The Aircraft of World War I

Aircraft listed by nationality with history of each type. Statistics for total production by each nation, front line strength, and combat losses throughout the war.
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Zeppelins: Monsters of the Purple Twilight

Describes the use of Zeppelins during WW-I.
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Informative speech on the Fokker Triplane

Describes the development, operational history, strengths and weaknesses of the Fokker Triplane. Written in the form of an outline.
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Red Baron

Song lyrics describe the incident of July 6, 1917 when the Red Baron was critically wounded in aerial combat yet lived to fight again.
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Research project of the 320 Fokker Dr.1 triplanes built during World War I and the fighter pilot Manfred von Richthofen also known as The Red Baron. Information, photographs, books, artwork, links.
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World War I Aviation Page

Information on the aces, air battles, and aircraft involved in the conflict.
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The Lafayette Foundation

Official website for the Vintage Aero Flying Museum, which features an international collection of planes from WWI and WWII. Includes a large collection of WWI aviator profiles.
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Vintage Aviation

WWI aviation enthusiast site featuring plane and accessory classifieds, memorabilia, historical profiles, and replica planes.
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Jasta 11 World War 1 Aviation

Aviation instruments, engines, photos and collectables displayed for the benefit of researchers, modelers, collectors and other enthusiasts with the intention to provide an encompassing reference work.
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The History of Aviation Collection

Online aviation history collection including, The Ferko/Williams World War I Collection, located at the University of Texas at Dallas.
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The Vintage Aviator - Constructors of Military Aircraft

Vintage military aircraft restoration and manufacturing company, with an emphasis on WWI aviation. Contains details of aviation construction projects, image galleries, activities and resources.
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