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This section is for book reviews of publications in evolutionary psychology and related fields.- Category ID : 428455
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Burrow, Evolution and Society

This review appeared in Cambridge Review 10 June 1967, pp. 409-11.
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The Century of the Gene

Anne Magurran reviews this book by Evelyn Fox Keller. Genes, the author argues, are merely bit players in the game of life.
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Major Transitions in Evolution

John Maynard Smith and Eors Szathmary look at a range of topics in evolutionary biology, from abiogenesis to the origins of societies and language.
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Evolution and Human Origins

Bruce Bridgeman compares two approaches to the understanding of human attraibutes in evolutionary perspective.
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Neil Levy reviews Evolutionary Origins of Morality edited by Leonard D. Katz

Natural selection inevitably favors organisms which behave in self-serving manners, for it will be these organisms who leave the most descendants, and so how can evolutionary psychology ever explain morality?
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Linked: Barabasi ratifies Kauffman, demotes the social gene by James Brody

Linked offers many heuristic possibilities if your interests are in genetic, neural, electronic, or social organizations.
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Religion Explained: The Human Instincts That Fashion Gods, Spirits and Ancestors by Pascal Boyer

This book is a milestone on the road to a new behavioral understanding of religion, basing itself on what has come to be known as cognitive anthropology.
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Ann Finkbeiner reviews The Genius Within: Discovering the Intelligence of Every Living Thing by Frank T. Vertosick. Free registration required at the New York Times
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Evolutionary Psychology: The Ultimate Origins of Human Behavior by Jack A. Palmer and Linda K. Palmer

Evolutionary psychology (EP) is barely a decade old, yet already there are several textbooks available designed to give students an overview of the discipline. This is a worthy addition to the range - according to Neil Levy.
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Alas Poor Evolutionary Psychology: Unfairly Accused, Unjustly Condemned

Book review of "Alas Poor Darwin", by Robert Kurzban. Assesses five charges against evolutionary psychology: genetic determinism, panadaptationism, unfalsifiable hypotheses, proximate explanations, and ideological bias.
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Language and Gesture

Dario Maestripieri reviews From Hand to Mouth: The Origins of Language by Michael C. Corballis.
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Klein on Human Evolution

Derek Bickerton reviews The Dawn of Human Culture by Richard G. Klein with Blake Edgar.
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Metaphors and Models

David L. Hull reviews Making Sense of Life: Explaining Biological Development with Models, Metaphors, and Machines by Evelyn Fox Keller.
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Dan W. Brock reviews Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution by Francis Fukuyama.
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Genetically Manipulated Humans?

Diane B. Paul reviews Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future by Gregory Stock.
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A Natural History of Rape

Kenan Malik reviews this book by Randy Thornhill and Craig T. Palmer.
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