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This section is for individual articles and papers on all aspects of evolutionary psychology and related fields.- Category ID : 428452
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Social Power and Self Deception

Social evolution and social influence: selfishness, deception, self-deception. A scholarly paper by Mario F. Heilmann, University of California at Los Angeles.
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Darwin, Marx, Freud and the Foundations of the Human Sciences

This is a talk on the grand view of the human sciences, presented to CHEIRON, the European Society for the History of the Behavioural Sciences and reprinted in its Newsletter, Spring 1988, pp. 7-12.
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The Functions of the Brain: Gall to Ferrier (1808-1886)

An online paper on mind, brain, and adaptation in the nineteenth century. It was published in Isis 59: 251-68, 1968.
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In Favor of Animal Consciousness

An excerpt from Animal Minds: Beyond Cognition to Consciousness by Donald R. Griffin, the creator of the field of cognitive ethology.
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Herbert Spencer and Inevitable Progress

Spencer is so grandiose that it is hard to summarize his ideas, yet he was one of the most influential thinkers in nineteenth-century Britain, and his ideas were an inspiration around the world. His version of evolution was utterly generalised in all the ways Darwin tried to be circumspect. The organic analogies which Spencer developed are the foundation-stones for the widespread idea of functionalism across the biomedical and human sciences, extending to architecture, systems theory, cybernetics and information theory. The essay was reprinted in a collection from the journal: G. Marsden, ed., Victorian Values. Longman, 1990.
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The Darwin Debate

This essay appeared in Marxism Today 26 (no.4), April 1982, pp. 20-22.
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Humans and Other Animals

How much do we share with the birds of the air and the beasts of the field? Article by John Wilson at Christianity Today.
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What if Human Nature Is Historical

This essay moves from pure ideology about changing human nature to using biofeedback as a transitional topic to spelling out the desiderata for treating human nature as a historical project.
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Sociobiology Sanitized: The Evolutionary Psychology and Genic Selectionism Debates

Socio-political overview of the circumstances leading to the development of Evolutionary Psychology as distinct from Sociobiology, by Val Dusek. This web page is associated with the Science-as-Culture mailing list and journal.
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Scholarship and the History of the Behavioural Sciences

A paper that first appeared in History of Science 2: 1-51, 1966.
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Evolution, Biology and Psychology from a Marxist Point of View

This article is largely historical, but the issues remain timely.
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Prediction and Accommodation in Evolutionary Psychology

Ketelaar and Ellis have provided a remarkably clear and succinct statement of Lakatosian philosophy of science and have also argued compellingly that evolutionary theory fills the Lakatosian criteria of a progressivity.
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"The Mind as the Software of the Brain" by Ned Block

Cognitive scientists often say that the mind is the software of the brain. This chapter is about what this claim means.
14 - Exuberance is Rational

Richard Thaler has led a revolution in the study of economics by understanding the strange ways people behave with their money.
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Neurobiology of Laughter

Did you hear the one about the prefrontal cortex?
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Men Show Feelings In Lower Left Quadrant Of Face

When it comes to emotions men and women are equally expressive, but men display most of their joy, disgust or other sentiments in the lower left quadrant of their face. Women, on the other hand, show their emotions across their entire countenance.
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Human Genome

Comprehensive information on the first draft of the human genome from Nature.
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The Evolution of Ethics

A theory concerning the integration of ethics and science using cybernetic theory as a logical foundation.
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Perfect Pitch May Help Babies Speak

US researchers say everyone may be born with perfect pitch to help them learn the skills of language.
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Baboon Key to Human Stress

Article describes how the stresses and strains that afflict humans are evident in baboon societies. Also suggests that both species share the long-term health effects.
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Did the Caveman Teach Us to Queue?

Chris Horrie provides a critique of the discipline in this BBC News article.
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An Evolutionary Hypothesis For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Abed, Riadh T and de Pauw, Karel W (1999) An Evolutionary Hypothesis for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Psychological Immune System?. Behavioural Neurology 11:245-250.
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The Genetic Archaeology of Race

The study of human genetic variation has become the most contentious area in modern science. A detailed article by Steve Olson.
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The Evolutionary Manifesto

This paper by John Stewart uses an evolutionary worldview to derive an ethical system that will require humanity to develop the psychological capacity to transcend the dictates of our biological and cultural past.
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Memory Experts Show Sleeping Rats May Have Visual Dreams

Matthew Wilson contends that animals have complex dreams.
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Fear Makes Worms Turn Friendly

A single gene influences the social behaviour of worms.
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Chimps Touched by Television

Chimpanzees are moved by fearful or appealing television scenes.
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Ring-breaker Drives Dove Love

Leonida Fusani and colleagues discover the role of aromatase in courtship behaviour.
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Men fish for compliments

The menfolk of the Meriam, a people who live on islands off the northeast tip of Australia, spend their time spear-fishing and turtle-hunting, but are they really fishing for compliments?
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Reproductive Greontology

The relationship between aging and the risk of producing offspring with gene-influenced illnesses.
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Science: Human Genome

The special issue on the first draft of the human genome.
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Intentionality Detection and Mindreading: Why Does Game Form Matter?

By around the age of 4 years, children can work out what people might know, think or believe based on what they say or do. This is called mindreading, which builds upon the human ability to infer the intentions of others.
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The adaptive nature of the human neurocognitive architecture: An alternative model

The model of the human neurocognitive architecture proposed by evolutionary psychologists is based on the presumption that the demands of hunter-gatherer life generated a vast array of cognitive adaptations. Here we present an alternative model.
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Behavioral Inferences from the Skhul/Qafzeh Early Modern Human Hand Remains

These results support the inference of significant behavioral differences between Neanderthals and the Skhul/Qafzeh hominids and indicate that a significant shift in human manipulative behaviors was associated with the earliest stages of the emergence of modern humans.
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Any decrease in average menarcheal age during the past 20-30 years has been small (almost certainly less than six months), particularly when compared with the reduction of a year or more that occurred in many European countries between the late 19th and mid 20th centuries.
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Bottlenose Dolphins and Theory of Mind

Bottlenose dolphins can recognize themselves in a mirror, an advanced intellectual ability observed previously only in humans and apes.
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The British Medical Journal publishes a special edition "putting genetics into perspective".
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Swanson et al.

A new study by Willie J. Swanson and colleagues provides evidence of sperm competition and sexual conflict.
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The Cognitive Skills of Neanderthals

Neanderthals were predators.
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Steven Pinker: The Mind Reader

Article by Ed Douglas on the evolutionary psychologist with a popular touch and a mission to explain how the brain works.
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