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Journals Websites

- Category ID : 428405
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Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

Publishes articles concerned with neural and behavioral plasticity, including learning and memory and related aspects of neural adaptation, at all levels of analysis from molecular biology through behavior.
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Psicologica: International Journal of Methodology and Experimental Psychology

Bilingual (English/Spanish) journal focuses on human and animal cognition. Site gives manuscript submission information, lists the editorial board, and includes a full-text archive and preprints.
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Learning and Motivation

published original experimental research devoted to the analysis of basic phenomena and mechanisms of learning, memory, and motivation.
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Consciousness and Cognition

An International Journal which provides a forum for a natural-science approach to the issues of consciousness, voluntary control, and self.
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Cognitive Psychology

Empirical, theoretical, and tutorial papers, methodological articles, and critical reviews concerned with advances in the study of memory, language processing, perception, problem solving, and thinking.
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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

"Investigates brain-behavior interaction and promotes lively interchange among the mind sciences. Contributions address both descriptions of function and underlying brain events and also reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the field covering developments in neuroscience, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, neurobiology, linguistics, computer science, and philosophy."
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Animal Cognition

An interdisciplinary journal publishing current research from various backgrounds and disciplines on all aspects of animal (and human) cognition in an evolutionary framework. Table of contents, abstracts and alert service.
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Applied Cognitive Psychology

Free access to abstracts.
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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

"Original experimental studies on basic processes of cognition, learning, memory, imagery, concept formation, problem solving, decision making, thinking, reading, and language processing." Published by the APA.
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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance

"Studies on perception, formulation and control of action, and related cognitive processes." Published by the APA.
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Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

"Articles describing empirical work that bridges the traditional interests of two or more communities of psychology." Published by the APA.
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Journal of Memory and Language

publishes articles on the formulation of scientific issues and theories in the areas of memory, language comprehension and production, and cognitive processes.
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An international journal that publishes theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind. Table of contents and abstracts. Full text by subscription.
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