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Microfinance Websites

Microfinance provides financial services to low-income clients and solidarity lending groups, including consumers and the self-employed.- Category ID : 427103
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Microcredit Summit Campaign

Conference information, international action plans, and reports on the state of microcredit in the world offered, as well as campaign newsletter, councils database, and related links. Also available in Spanish and French.
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MicroInsurance Centre

A consulting firm dedicated to generating access to valuable microinsurance products to low-income people across the globe. Services include product development, research, and advocacy.
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Grameen Foundation

A nonprofit organization offering small loans, financial services and technology to alleviate poverty by helping people start self-sustaining businesses.
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Virtual Library on Microcredit

Articles, events, and other information on alternative financial systems and related subjects such as community mobilization and enviro-economic development.
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Opportunity International UK

British charity specialising solely in microfinancial services for the developing world. Provides an overview of clients and activities, affiliated organizations, and accounts, as well as past publications.
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Opportunity International

A non-profit organization dedicated to helping the poor break the cycle of poverty by providing small business loans, other financial services, training, and counsel.
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100 Friends Project

Humanitarian organization providing funds and various services for education, housing, small business grants and loans, medical treatment and other needs for individuals and small organizations in developing countries.
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HOPE International

Microfinance organization helping people around the world to escape poverty by providing microloans, savings services, training and mentoring.
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Five Talents UK

The microfinance initiative of the worldwide Anglican Church. It helps establish, develop and support microfinance initiatives in developing countries, providing loan capital and training for entrepreneurs.
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The Green Children Foundation

Committed to helping the poor of the world by supporting microcredit, education and healthcare.
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European Fund for Southeast Europe

EFSE fosters economic development and prosperity in Southeast Europe by provision of microcredit.
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MFI Connect

Global microfinance forum connecting college and university students with microfinance professionals and institutions.
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The Microfinance Gateway

Comprehensive online resource for the global microfinance community. It includes research and publications, feature articles, organization and consultant profiles, and the latest news, events and job opportunities.
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The Micro Insurance Academy

Provides research, training, structured technical assistance, advisory services and advocacy for pro-poor microinsurance.
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People-Centered Economic Development

P-CED is based in UK as a profit-for-purpose company. It uses the model: do business as usual and invest profits for social benefit.
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