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Topological Websites

- Category ID : 425763
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Topological Quantum Field Theory Club

A club which holds monthly and yearly meetings in Portugal to discuss topics in quantum field theory.
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Math and Physics

A brief review on some of the recent developments in topological quantum field theory. These include topological string theory, topological Yang-Mills theory and Chern-Simons gauge theory.
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Topological Quantum Field Theories

Topological quantum field theories can be used as a powerful tool to probe geometry and topology in low dimensions. Chern-Simons theories, which are examples of such field theories, provide a field theoretic framework for the study of knots and links in three dimensions.
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New Results in Topological Field Theory and Abelian Gauge Theory

These are the lecture notes of a set of lectures delivered at the 1995 Trieste summer school in June. Much of the necessary background material is given, including a crash course in topological field theory, cohomology of manifolds, topological gauge theory and the rudiments of four manifold theory.
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Geometry of 2D Topological Field Theory

These lecture notes are devoted to the theory of equations of associativity describing geometry of moduli spaces of 2D topological field theories.
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Lectures in Topological Quantum Field Theory

A set of introductory notes on Topological Quantum Field Theories
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Topological Quantum Field Theory, a Progress Report

A brief introduction to Topological Quantum Field Theory as well as a description of recent progress made in the field is presented. I concentrate mainly on the connection between Chern-Simons gauge theory and Vassiliev invariants, and Donaldson theory and its generalizations and Seiberg-Witten invariants. Emphasis is made on the usefulness of these relations to obtain explicit expressions for topological invariants, and on the universal structure underlying both systems.
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Ahmed, Diaa A: Quantum Field Theories: Quantum Topology

Includes links to research papers, quotations on the development of the quantum theory, brief notes on the field and related links.
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Topological Geometrodynamics

An attempt to unify fundamental interactions by assuming that physical spacetimes can be regarded as submanifolds of certain 8-dimensional space.
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