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Organizations Websites

- Category ID : 425691
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Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik

Leading German research center concerned with investigating the physical principles underlying a nuclear fusion power plant. Materials at this website are presented in German and English.
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Institute of Laser Engineering

Osaka University. The institute uses a few facilites with powerful lasers to advance the laser fusion research in Japan.
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ITER Fusion Research Collaboration

ITER is an international project to design and build an experimental fusion reactor based on the "tokamak" concept.
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University of Rochester - Laboratory for Laser Energetics

Laboratory hosts powerful lasers and carries out large-scale laser research including that relevant to laser fusion.
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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)

The U.S. National Laboratory dedicated to developing fusion energy science.
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National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Japan

Fusion research at NIFS focuses on a stellarator concept. Major projects: Large Helical Device (LHD) and Compact Helical System (CHS).
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MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center

One of the leading university research laboratories on magnetic confinement fusion.
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General Atomics Fusion Group

The Fusion Group at General Atomics. Info about DIII-D Tokamak.
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University Fusion Association

Organization of educational institutions focusing on plasma science and technology for the development of an environmentally attractive energy source utilizing controlled thermonuclear fusion energy.
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Fusion Power Associates

Non-profit research and educational foundation providing information on the status of fusion development.
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EFDA - European Fusion Development Agreement

Describes activities, research, and facilities, with conference calendar and multi-media educational presentations.
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Institute für Plasmaphysik

The institute for energy research and plasma physics in Jülich, Germany, conducts a research and development program in the areas of high temperature plasma physics and thermo-nuclear fusion. As a central research facility the institute operates the TEXTOR tokamak.
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Lodestar Research Corporation

Company specializes in plasma physics research with applications to controlled thermonuclear fusion. Located in Boulder, Colorado.
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