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idmoz Science Electromagnetism Courses and Tutorials

Courses and Tutorials Websites

- Category ID : 425631
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Lessons in Electric Circuits

Online book by Tony R. Kuphaldt on dc and ac electric circuits, semiconductor devices, analog and digital circuits.
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Electrodynamics Textbook

An electrodynamics Internet textbook project presenting a new, modern, on-line textbook on advanced electrodynamics, free to download and to contribute to.
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JAVA Tutorial: Crookes Tube

An applet demonstrating the experiment of Crookes to show electrons travel in straight paths.
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JAVA Tutorials: Capacitance

An applet which allows the user to adjust the properties of a capacitor and observe the change in capacitance.
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Magnet Formulas

A small web site devoted to the vanishing art of practical magnet design without FEA (Finite Element Analysis).
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What is the Electron Spin?

The web based tutorial on electron properties, electromagnetism and related topics.
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Electromagnetic Rotation

Key physics experiments on electromagnetic rotation including that of Oersted, Faraday, Ampere, and Sidorovich. English and Russian versions. The site of A.M. Sidorovich.
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How Magnets Works

This site describes various aspects of magnetism.
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How Magnet is Made

Background, history, raw materials, and the manufacturing process of magnets.
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Magnetic Fields Due to a Solenoid

Simple description of magnetic fields produced by a solenoid.
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Magnetization Reversal Applet

The site provides an applet which calculates the coherent magnetization reversal of an uniformly magnetized particle, also referred to as the Stoner-Wohlfarth model of magnetization reversal.
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Orbiting Charge Model of Particles with Spin

Structure of the electron and Dirac particles with spin using classical physics.
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