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Algebraic Topology Websites

Algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics which uses tools from abstract algebra to study topological spaces.- Category ID : 425500
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K-theory Preprint Archives

An extensive archive of pre-publication papers (preprints) on Algebraic K-Theory.
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K-theory Calendar

A calendar of upcoming and past events (workshops, colloquia, lectures) pertaining to K-Theory and its applications.
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An Introduction to Algebraic K-theory

An incomplete graduate textbook in Algebraic K-Theory, by Charles Weibel. Several chapters are available online.
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Surgery Bits and Pieces

Assorted articles and minutia concerning Algebraic Surgery, assembled by Andrew Ranicki.
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Math Front: AT Algebraic Topology

An archive of pre-publication papers (preprints) on Algebraic Topology.
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Algebraic Topology Discussion List

Includes information on subscribing, archives of past discussions, and links to home pages of algebraic topologists and other related resources.
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Index to more than 100 articles on Algebraic Topology.
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What is Algebraic Topology?

Introductory essay by Joe Neisendorfer, University of Rochester.
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Algorithms for the Fixed Point Property

A survey of various algorithms used to determine if a given ordered set has the fixed point property, that is, whether it has a fixed point free order-preserving self-map. Algorithms using the methods of Algebraic Topology are compared with other techniques.
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British Topology Home Page

A usable collection of pointers to Topology-related sites, including archives and conference announcements. The focus is mainly on British and European resources, with some links and references to research conducted in other parts of the globe.
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Algebraic Topology

An encyclopedic reference containing definitions, some discussion, and an assortment of useful links to various resources concerning Algebraic Topology and K-Theory.
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Poincaré Conjecture -- from MathWorld

A widely accessible statement of the Poincaré Conjecture and its implications, with various links and references for further inquiry.
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Algebraic Topology Textbook

A complete, downloadable, introductory text on Algebraic Topology, by Prof. Allen Hatcher, Cornell Univ. 3rd Ed. 553 pp. with illustrations. Available in pdf and postscript versions.
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Ext Charts

Charts for modules over the odd-primary Steenrod Algebra, by Christian Nassau. In Postscript.
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Algebraic K-theory, Groups and Categories

A report pursuant to the amalgamation in 1995 of two separate proposals for INTAS support in the areas of Algebraic K-theory, and Categorical Methods in Algebraic Homotopy and related topics. Period covered: 1997-2000. Project Coordinator: Prof. R. Brown
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Five Talks on the Poincaré Conjecture

Streaming video links to lectures by Prof. John Morgan filmed during a 5-day series held at Columbia University in 2003. Thurston Geometrization, and Hamilton’s ‘Ricci flow’ method, leading up to the Perelman’s proposed proof, are discussed. RealOne Player is required to view the video.
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