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Research Groups Websites

Academic research groups in Mathematical Biology.- Category ID : 424935
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(UK) University of Nottingham

Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology. News, people, research, publications, meetings and events.
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(UK) University of London, University College

Centre for Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and EXperimental Biology (CoMPLEX). Seminars, workshops, email list, people.
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(UK) University of Bath

Centre for Mathematical Biology. Members, research interests.
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(USA) National Institutes of Health

Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology (LECB): formerly the Laboratory of Mathematical Biology (LMMB). Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Maryland. Research areas: macromolecular structure and function; membrane structure and function; immunology; phamacokinetics and computational and modeling methodology.
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(USA) California State University, Los Angeles

Nonlinear Population Dynamics. Research, publications, datasets, graphics.
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(UK) University of Dundee

MathBiology Research Group. Members of the group and their research, seminars and mathbiology links.
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(Finland) University of Helsinki

Metapopulation Research Group. Projects, people, publications, software, teaching, resources.
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(USA) Stanford University

Roughgarden Research Group (Guerrilla Ecology, Ltd). Projects, people.
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(USA) North Carolina State University

Biomathematics graduate program. Page describes the field of study, faculty, courses and seminars.
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(UK) University of Cambridge

Cambridge Computational Biology Institute. Details of research and related teaching.
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(Portugal) Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras

Marie Curie Excellence Team on the epidemiology of recurrent infections in the Theoretical Epidemiology Group. Publications, people, meetings, resources.
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(Germany) Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Mathematical Biophysics group. Members, publications. English/German.
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(UK) University of Stirling

Mathematical Biology Research Group. Members, research projects.
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(Canada) University of British Columbia

Institute of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Biology programme. Applying mathematics to immunology, epidemiology, cell biology, electrophysiology, ecology, game theory and evolution.
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(UK) Imperial College London

Department of Bioengineering, Centre for Biological and Medical Systems. Research includes physiological mechanics, biomedical systems and neurotechnology.
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(UK) University of St Andrews

Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling.
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(UK) University of Oxford

Centre for Mathematical Biology. Research Interests: Spatial and spatiotemporal pattern formation; Wound healing; Mathematical Modelling to Improve Cancer Therapy; Analysis of travelling waves and ecological applications; Enzyme kinetics; Individual to Collective Behaviour in Ecology; The dynamics of populations in ecological systems. Site has preprints, meetings, other links.
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(USA) Rice University

Gulf Coast Consortia. Computational, physical and biological science for theory, simulation, and experiment in biological problems. People, press, photos, jobs, library.
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