Originally an extension to Axiom, now a separate product. Binaries are available free for non-profit use, with documentation, tips, projects and links.
A general purpose easy program for It is built on top of its own programming language designed for symbolic manipulation of math symbols. Includes information on how to use the software.
A collection of routines, written in C, for computing in the representation theory of classical and symmetric groups, and related areas. Public domain.
An open framework for symbolic computation within the C++ programming language. The name GiNaC is an iterated and recursive abbreviation for "GiNaC is Not a CAS", where CAS stands for Computer Algebra System. Its design is revolutionary in a sense that contrary to other CAS it does not try to provide extensive algebraic capabilities and a simple programming language but instead accepts a given language (C++) and extends it by a set of algebraic capabilities. It is published under the GNU Public License (GPL).
CREP is designed to deal with categories whose morphism spaces are finite-dimensional over a field k. The main example of a category with this property is the category of finite-dimensional representations of an associative unital k-algebra.
An interactive symbolic mathematics program. JACAL can manipulate and simplify equations, scalars, vectors, and matrices of single and multiple valued algebraic expressions containing numbers, variables, radicals, and algebraic differential, and holonomic functions. Linux RPM distribution.
A matrix calculator program, written in C. Calculations can be performed on matrices with complex rational coefficients using exact arithmetic routines, as well as on matrices with elements mod p.
Macaulay is a computer algebra system for mathematical computations in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. At its core is a carefully tuned implementation of Grobner basis methods for manipulating systems of polynomial equations.
MAS is an experimental computer algebra system with algebraic specification capabilities for the design and study of algebraic algorithms. Downloads, documentation.
JAS is a software library using generic types for algebraic computations implemented in the Java programming language. The focus is on commutative and solvable polynomials, Groebner bases and applications.