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Researchers in Algebra.- Category ID : 424850
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Ash, Robert

University of Illinois. Downloadable texts in Abstract Algebra, Algebraic Number Theory, Commutative Algebra (PDF).
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Hanaki, Akihide

Shinshu University. Representation Theory of Finite Groups; Algebraic Combinatorics; Computational Algebra.
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Weibel, Charles

Rutgers. Algebraic K-theory, homological algebra. On-line texts and notes in algebra, history; journal information.
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Spingarn, Jonathan

Linear and discrete mathematics. Georgia Institute of Technology. Lists class notes and schedules.
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Folk in Group Pub Forum

Members of a group theory mailing list.
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Representation Theorist Home Pages

Home pages of researchers.
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Ring Theorist Lists

Compiled by A.D. Bell.
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Lady, E. Lee

University of Hawaii. Notes on algebra and teaching materials.
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Kearnes, Keith A.

University of Colorado. Algebra, Logic, Combinatorics. Resources in general algebra, universal algebra and lattice theory.
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Bazzotti, Laura

Genoa University. Computational Commutative Algebra. Publications, CoCoA resources.
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Colleagues in General Algebra and Related Fields

A list compiled by Emil W. Kiss, Ágnes Szendrei and Keith Kearnes.
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Crans, Alissa S.

Loyola Marymount University. Higher-dimensional algebra: Lie theory with elements of category theory, knot theory and Lie algebra cohomology. Publications, thesis.
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Chatters, Arthur

University of Bristol. Non-commutative ring theory,properties of Noetherian rings. Publications, thesis.
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Rickard, Jeremy

University of Bristol. Modular representation theory of finite groups and related areas of algebraic topology; Homological algebra; Representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras. Publications, resources.
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Schofield, Aidan

University of Bristol. Representation theory of finite dimensional algebras; Vector bundles on curves and surfaces; Invariant theory and the study of rings with polynomial identities. Teaching resources.
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Commutative Algebraists

List of email and web addresses at the Center for Commutative Algebra.
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Larsen, Michael

Indiana University. Algebraic number theory; algebraic geometry; group theory (finite, finitely generated, compact, or algebraic); homological algebra; algebraic combinatorics; applied algebra. Teaching notes, Putnam competition information.
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Erovenko, Igor

University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC, USA. Algebraic groups and algebraic number theory. Linear groups and their combinatorial properties, particularly bounded generation of S-arithmetic groups. List of papers, CV, teaching information.
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Holt, Derek

University of Warwick. Group theory.
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Chapman, Scott

Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. Commutative algebra, finite abelian groups, combinatorics and number theory: especially factorization of elements in integral domains and monoids.
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Sepanski, Mark

Associate professor at Baylor University. Research is in the field of Lie theory and representation theory. Includes list of publications and courses taught.
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Semigroup Theorists

Compiled by Jim Renshaw.
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Renshaw, Jim

University of Southampton. Algebraic semigroups, semigroup amalgams, automata/category theory, computer aided learning. Publications, teaching material, semigroup resources.
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Camina, Rachel

University of Cambridge. Pro-p-groups. Publications, EWM resources.
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Chuang, Joe

City University. Representation theory of finite groups, homological algebra. Teaching resources.
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Joyner, David

US Naval Academy, Annapolis. Groups, representation theory, Lie algebras, Harmonic analysis, the Langlands philosophy, error-correcting codes, GAP, and MAGMA. Papers, books, software, teaching notes, mathematical resources.
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Grojnowski, Ian

University of Cambridge. Representation theory, reductive groups, algebraic geometry. Papers.
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Niblo, Graham A.

University of Southampton. Geometric group theory.
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Jones, Gareth

University of Southampton. Group theory, and its applications to geometry, topology, combinatorics and Galois theory. Recent preprints.
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Emmanuel Briand

Research themes: diagonal invariants of the symmetric group, applications of classical invariant theory.
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Jack Jeffries

University of Utah. Commutative Algebra: singularities in positive characteristic, local cohomology, Boij-Söderberg theory
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Aramova, Annetta

University of Essen. Commutative Algebra.
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