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United Kingdom Websites

This category lists websites of academic departments in UK universities (and other higher education institutions that award mathematical sciences degrees, for example LSE) responsible for teaching or research in Mathematics. In the case where there is a larger School that includes subjects that are not mathematical sciences, such as a school of computing and maths, it is preferred that the link be to the mathematics sub-division of that school if it has a clear identity on the official web site. In some cases, for example Cambridge, pure and applied mathematics are in separate departments and should have a separate entry.- Category ID : 424809
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Kingston University, London

Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics
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University of Leicester

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
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University of Surrey, Guildford

Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
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University of Reading

Department of Mathematics.
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University of York

Department of Mathematics.
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University of Leeds

School of Mathematics.
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University of Sussex

Department of Mathematics
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University of Birmingham

School of Mathematics
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University of Oxford

Mathematical Institute.
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University of Manchester

School of Mathematics
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University of Cambridge

Faculty of Mathematics.
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University of Cambridge

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.
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University of Cambridge

Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
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University of Warwick

Mathematics Institute.
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University of Bath

Department of Mathematical Sciences.
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University of Nottingham

School of Mathematical Sciences.
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Cardiff University

School of Mathematics.
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University of Dundee

Division of Mathematics
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University of Edinburgh

Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
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University of Kent at Canterbury

Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.
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Sheffield Hallam University

Mathematics and statistics. Includes information about courses and facilities.
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University of Durham

Department of Mathematical Sciences.
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University College London

Department of Mathematics.
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University of Bristol

Department of Mathematics.
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University of St Andrews

School of Mathematics and Statistics.
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University of Essex, Colchester

Department of Mathematics.
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University of Cambridge

Centre for Mathematical Sciences.
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Loughborough University

Department of Mathematical Sciences.
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University of Stirling

Mathematics and Statistics Group.
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Open University

Mathematics and Statistics Department
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University of Plymouth

School of Mathematics and Statistics.
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Birkbeck, University of London,

School of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics.
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University of Glasgow

Department of Mathematics.
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Heriot-Watt University

Department of Mathematics
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Imperial College London

Department of Mathematics.
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Chester College

Mathematics Department.
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Aberystwyth University

Institute of Mathematics and Physics
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Manchester Metropolitan University

Department of Computing and Mathematics.
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London School of Economics

Department of Mathematics.
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Keele University

Department of Computing and Mathematics. Includes information on courses, research, events and staff.
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University of Southampton

School of Mathematics.
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City University London

School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences.
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University of Ulster

School of Computing and Mathematics.
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University of the West of Scotland

Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
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Aston University

Mathematics group.
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University of Sheffield

School of Mathematics and Statistics.
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University of Aberdeen

Institute of Mathematics.
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Lancaster University

Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
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Liverpool John Moores University

Department of Computing & Mathematical Sciences
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Oxford Brookes University

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences.
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Queen Mary University of London,

School of Mathematical Sciences.
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University of Oxford

Taught Course Centre (TCC): a collaboration between the Mathematics Departments at the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Oxford, Imperial and Warwick.
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University of London, Institute of Education

National Centre Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM).
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University of Newcastle

School of Mathematics and Statistics.
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London Taught Course Centre

LTCC offers a programme of one day a week advanced courses in mathematics and statistics for PhD research students in the region, as well as short intensive courses open to students from elsewhere in the UK and Europe.
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Scottish Mathematical Sciences Training Centre

SMSTC is a collaborative venture of seven Scottish universities and delivers eight streams of material, each via 20 weekly two-hour lectures, given to a local audience and delivered live via video-conferencing to other sites.
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Committee of Heads of Departments of Mathematics. Minutes and correspondence.
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University of Wolverhampton

School of Mathematics and Computer Science.
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Swansea University

Mathematics Department.
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University of Brighton

School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics.
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University of South Wales

Faculty of Computing Mathematics.
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University of Exeter

College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.
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University of Bristol

Department of Engineering Mathematics.
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