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Consultants Websites

- Category ID : 424638
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Ambicat Consulting

Independent consultant firm in the treatment and management of water, environmental and chemical products.
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Aquatic Engineering Limited

UK contracting and consultancy company working in aquatic environments. Provides details of products and specialist services offered.
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Lion Consultancy Services

UK firm providing water consumption management services and sewer surveys.
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Aqua Legion

Independent environmental consultants, specialising in water hygiene and Legionella risk assessments. Company profile, services offered and information on Legionnaires disease.
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Aureus Solutions

Professional engineering consultations for operations, design, maintenance, management and finance of water and wastewater treatment plants.
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Lytle Water Solutions, LLC

Consulting engineers and hydrogeologists specializing in surface and ground water resource planning, water quality assessments, water rights, expert testimony, and environmental studies. Denver, Colorado.
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Campbell and Associates

Provides full-service consulting to industry and the legal community in hydrogeology, water supplies, contaminant transport, and litigation support.
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Raineffects, Hydrological Consultants

New Zealand company offering water resource assessments, flow, rainfall data and water storage analysis, resource consents and hearings evidence.
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Vital Resource Management

Provides consulting services and systems for the pre-treatment of waste water in both large council systems and domestic applications.
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Water and Environment

Consultant for international water and environment projects, based in Spain.
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Stormwater Services Group, LLC

Consultant providing NPDES discharge permitting and compliance services to industry and municipalities. Information about U.S. storm water management requirements and other water quality topics.
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Water Rights, Inc.

Qualifications and contact information for water engineering consultant offering technical advice and expert witness services on water resources and water rights. Based in Washington State, U.S.
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Woods Hole Group

Consultants in the areas of coastal engineering, oceanography, numerical modeling, data collection and analysis, fate and transport of chemically contaminated sediments.
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Shaw Engineering

Small Nevada-based civil engineering firm which specializes in water and wastewater treatment, collection, distribution and disposal. Information and links about a variety of water resources and wastewater topics.
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S.S. Papadopulos and Associates, Inc.

Offers professional water-resource and environmental consulting services, including groundwater contaminant studies, remediation, geochemistry, and surface-water hydrology. Offices in U.S. and Canada.
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Baxter and Woodman, Inc.

Consulting engineers offering services in water, wastewater, and related civil engineering areas. Illinois and Wisconsin.
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Australian Water Quality Centre

South Australia government organization offers a wide range of water and environmental health analytical and research services relating to water and the environment.
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Environmental Rate Consultants, Inc

Financial consultant specializing in storm water utility development.
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Oasis Design

Providing ecological systems for water supply, and wastewater treatment and re-use. Includes background information on grey water, as well as articles, press releases, and books for sale. Based in California.
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CR Environmental, Inc.

Providing oceanographic consulting services including: research/survey vessels, geophysical surveys, sampling, wetland restoration, risk assessment, bioassessment, and licensed vessel captains. WBE. MA and NY.
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Downstream Strategies

Evan Hansen offers technical analyses on water quality and water resources matters, for watershed groups, environmental organizations, consulting companies, and government agencies. Describes projects and provides publications for download. Based in West Virginia, USA.
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Natural Channel Design, Inc

An engineering firm located in Flagstaff, Arizona. Specializing in river and stream research, assessments and restoration.
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Cedar Eden Environmental, LLC

An environmental consulting company specializing in lake and watershed management, water quality monitoring, geographic information systems, and environmental web design services based in Saranac Lake, NY.
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Water supply and analysis, environment and ecology services.
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Turo Technology

Multiparameter water quality analysers. Sensors include temperature, dissolved oxygen, depth, pH, conductivity, salinity and turbidity.
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Forgotten Rain L.L.C.

Fee based rainwater harvesting, stormwater reuse, and rain garden design and consulting.
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Innovative Water Solutions, LLC.

A rainwater harvesting and graywater recovery system design and consulting firm located in Austin, Texas.
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John S. Cooper

Consultancy on water, wastewater and environmental management.
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Specializes in consultancy for marine biology and fresh water research and education. Services include nature mapping, impact assessments, scientific diver training, nature exhibitions, and naturalizations of man-made shores. Based in Finland.
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Institute of Water Modelling

Established by the Government of Bangladesh, IWM offers a wide range of specialist services in the fields of water resources planning and management as well as hydrometric measurements, hydrographic and topographic surveys and monitoring.
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Hydraulics Applied Research & Engineering Consulting

Harec is a private civil engineering consulting firm specializing in the research, development and application of technologically advanced solutions to water-related problems.
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HydroLogic International, Inc.

Environmental consulting firm providing basic and applied services in the development and management of coastal, lake and river water resources including water quantity and quality, hydrology and circulation and sedimentation control.
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Specialized service company offering hydraulic modeling solutions for making decisions on the growth and maintenance of the aging and increasingly stressed water and wastewater infrastructure.
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Water Harvesting Solutions

Offers consulting, engineering support and manufacturing of economical systems for capturing, filtering, storing and reusing water. Site includes water harvesting information resource.
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Coldwater Consulting Ltd.

Full service consulting for water-related issues, numerical modelling, shoreline restoration solutions, sediment transport processes, beach nourishment designs, studies of wakes and their effects on coasts and waterways. Ontario, Canada
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BC Groundwater Consulting Services Ltd.

Specialists in the sustainable development, protection and management of groundwater resources throughout British Columbia. Provides a company profile and information on the services offered.
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AGA Group

UK based bioengineering company, with expertise ranging from water quality assessment to fisheries management and river restoration.
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Ice Water Engineering

Water consultants and engineers. Services offered include quality audit, hydrogeological studies, analysis, resource management and water treatment.
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Armand Ruby Consulting

Environmental consultants specializing in water quality and related services, including stormwater, wastewater, surface water and groundwater quality. Environmental monitoring and data analysis specialists. TMDLs and watershed-based assessments.
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Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc.

Environmental and civil engineering consulting firm in the Upper Midwest specialising in drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems.
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Tomcat Consultants

Company based at Rosebud, MO, USA specializing in the sanitary aspect of water storage and the maintenance of safe system pressure while water storage tanks undergo repair or renovation.
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Robert Bray Associates

Landscape architect offering consulting on sustainable drainage, an environmentally friendly way of dealing with surface water runoff which avoids problems of current drainage practice. Located in Gloucestershire, UK.
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