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Groundwater Websites

About the occurrence, hydrology, chemistry, water-supply development, water quality protection, and other aspects of groundwater (subsurface water).- Category ID : 424621
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University of Birmingham School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences

Hydrogeology research including groundwater resources, numerical modelling, geochemistry, g/w contamination and remediation. Taught programmes include hydrogeology and hydroinformatics MSc courses, CPD modules and short courses.
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Groundwater in British Columbia

B.C. ministry site, with general ground water information, water well data, information on groundwater consultants, and links.
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The Groundwater Foundation

Dedicated to the education about and preservation of our most important natural resource.
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Ground Water Modelling Discussion Group

A forum for technical discussions; announcement of new software; calls for abstracts and papers; conference and workshop announcements; and summaries of research results, recent publications, and case studies.
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Water Framework Directive - Groundwater Statistics

Report from a European Union project to develop statistical methods for data aggregation for assessment of groundwater quality status, including trend assessment.
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Publications of C. P. Kumar

Technical papers of Mr. C. P. Kumar, Scientist, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee - 247667 (Uttaranchal), India.
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CMI Aquifers Group

Describes research on the behavior of carbon dioxide in hydrogeologic systems, aimed at developing systems for storing carbon in saline aquifers.
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SaltNet: Saltwater Intrusion Resources Network

Bibliography, computer codes, directory of researchers, and other information resources related to salt water intrusion into coastal groundwater aquifers.
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The University of Arizona Contaminant Transport Group

Publications lists and other information from the Brusseau research group, which investigates the fate and transport of contaminants in the subsurface.
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UK Groundwater Forum

Source of information and a platform for information exchange on groundwater topics in and for the UK.
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Fayette County Groundwater Conservation District

Mission is to protect and conserve the underground water resources for the current and future residents of Fayette County, Texas. Offers publications, information on projects and services as well as general information.
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Hydrogeology Research Group, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Conducts research on contaminant transport in groundwater and age-dating of groundwater.
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Groundwater Management in King County

Generic and local information on the occurrence, movement, and management of ground water.

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