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Meteorites Websites

A Meteorite is a fragment of rock (often with a very high metallic content) that has its origins in outer space.- Category ID : 423755
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Oscar E. Monnig Meteorite Gallery

Primer on meteorites, photos of the museum collection situated on the campus of Texas Christian University in Forth Worth, Texas, and visitor information.
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Nevada Meteorites

Map, photos, and other information about meteorites recovered in Nevada and adjacent states.
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The Meteoritical Society

Professional research society promoting the science of meteoritics. Includes educational materials on meteorites, lunar samples, space dust, and related topics; newsletters; journal information; and links.
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Meteorite Central

General information on meteorites, meteroids, and related topics; glossary; current news; and links to science sites, dealers, and educational sites.
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Meteorites and Their Properties

Online version of a book of the same title by David A. Kring. English and Spanish.
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Niger Meteorite Recon

Illustrated reports, photo gallery from meteorite expeditions undertaken in the Sahara desert of North Africa.
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Meteorites Australia

List of meteorites found in the country, with many photos. Includes glossary of terms, information on meteorite identification and classification, and details of specimens for sale.
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Topics include origins and classification of meteorites, historical impacts, and news about recent finds and the specimens market.
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Lunar Meteorites

Focuses on meteorites and meteoroids that came from the moon, including how they get here, how their source is determined, types, chemistry, catalog of all verified finds, and other resources.
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Smithsonian Institution Division of Meteorites

Information about the types and identification of meteorites, with recommended books on the topic.
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Meteorite Identification (Gone Wrong)

Focus on the misidentification of meteorites, with numerous examples from news media and the Internet.
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Meteorite Preservation and Repair

Complete, concise instructions for preserving meteorites in collections.
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New England Meteoritical Services

Provides general background information on meteorites for students, educators and collectors.
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Meteorite Pictures

Provides meteorite photographs designed to be a resource for scientists, collectors and enthusiasts, grouped into galleries based upon their classification.
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Meteorite Collector

Russ Finney exhibits his collection of meteorites and offers resources, sample classification information and useful reference materials for the amateur and scientific collector.
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