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Education Websites

This category is for educational and informational sites about meteorology and the weather.- Category ID : 423612
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Auroras: Paintings in the Sky

Illustrated journey of the "Northern Lights." Photos and QuickTime movies of the northern lights, and Realaudio interviews with NASA scientists.
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What is a Rainbow?

Educational site explaining the physics and chemistry of rainbows.
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NWS JetStream - An Online School for Weather

A resource intended for educators, emergency managers, and the general public. Includes topical material and lesson plans.
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Snow Crystals

Information about the physics of snow crystals and snowflakes as well as the history of early scientific observations and photographs, how to take photos, preserving snow crystals, and unusual snowflakes.
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El Nino Resource Center

Welcome to the El Niño Workshop - online for education.
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Index to Training Materials and Essays on Storm Chasing and Meteorology

This site provides an organized list of training materials and essays on storm chasing and meteorology that are available on the internet.
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The Weather Doctor

Explores the science and beauty of weather, including a monthly almanac, weather history, weather elements and phenomena, weather and the arts.
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Air Quality Meteorology

Developmental course of the US Environmental Protection Agency in conjunction with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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Bad Meteorology

Debunks some widespread misconceptions about clouds, rain, atmospheric circulation, the greenhouse effect, and other topics.
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Meteorology FAQs

Archived FAQs from the Usenet newsgroup sci.geo.meteorology.
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Infography about Meteorology

Online and print resources recommended by a professor who specializes in research about meteorology.
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Stuff In The Air

Weather phenomena and imagery. Concise descriptions of how weather instruments work. Atmospheric problems and solutions.
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Center for Atmosphere Ocean Studies, Courant Institute

Research, graduate school studies in applied math, dynamical meteorology, physical oceanography and climate system modeling.
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Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology

Outlines of courses available, data held, contact details, and history of this cooperative by sixteen governments in the region.
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Ask A Scientist - Weather

Questions from educators and students are answered by the Argonne National Laboratory.
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Meteorology: Simply for Yachties

A weather training package course for all sailors. Provides information on the lessons, the author and the cost.
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WW2010 (Weather World 2010 Project)

Educational CD-ROM that integrates current and archived weather data with instructional resources.
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Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science

SOARS provides educational and research opportunities, mentoring, career counseling and guidance, and financial support for culturally-diverse students in the atmospheric and related sciences.
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Weather One

Discusses several topics of weather including clouds, seasons, air pressure, winds, global warming, and violent weather. Also includes activities to give students a hands-on experience with weather.
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