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Visualization Websites

Programmes to view or analyze properties of small molecules or proteins. Some sites offer physical models.- Category ID : 423589
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Historical Molecular Graphics

Digitized versions of 16mm movies of molecular structures produced in the early days of interactive molecular graphics.
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Provided for the convenience of users and software developers of open source versions of RasMol.
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A free program for visualization and analysis of biological systems such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipid bilayer assemblies.
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Molymod Molecular Models

Plastic molecular models for use in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology (DNA double helix), semiconductors and crystal lattice structures.
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Plastic molecular models for constructing polypeptides and DNA molecules.
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Biodesigner and iMol

A molecular viewer for Windows9x systems with sequence editor and protein builder. Free for academic use. Additionaly the iMol molecule viewer is available for Mac OS X systems.
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Molecular visualization freeware for proteins, DNA, and macromolecules. Freely available for Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX.
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Open source molecule viewer written in Java. It runs as a standalone application and as a web browser applet.
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An open-source graphical front end for computational chemistry programs such as Gaussian, Gamess, and Mopac. Available for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and other Unices.
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A suite of freeware tools for automating work of rendering and animating molecules. Generates high quality images of molecules from PDB, XYZ, or molfiles using raytracing tools (Povray and Raster3D).
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Windows-based program for visualization of molecular structures, vibrational modes, molecular orbitals, energy gradient and other properties from log files produced by the GAMESS and Gaussian packages.
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Pre- and post-processing program for molecular and electronic structure, with Z-matrix editor, electron density visualization, and molecule animations. Available for Unix and VMS; free for academic use.
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Protein Explorer

A web-based viewer for the 3D structures of proteins, DNA and RNA. Requires Netscape and the Chime plugin, which is only available for Windows9x.
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3D-Molecular Modeling Software, available at no charge for the Windows platform. Has functions for visualization of biomolecules and results from GAMESS QM calculations, and for aligning and modifying structures.
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UCSF Chimera

Highly extensible, interactive molecular graphics program. It is the successor to UCSF Midas and MidasPlus. Free of charge for academic, government, non-profit, and personal use.
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User-contributed wiki to supplement the PyMOL documentation.
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Nanotube Modeler

A program for generating and visualizing the xyz-coordinates for nanotubes, nanocones, nanosheets, and fullerenes. For Windows; free demo version available.
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Free molecular structure visualization and rendering program for Windows.
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Santorini and Patmos, Molecular Viewer and Screensaver

Read XYZ or PDB files of atoms and display them in a 3-dimensional view on Windows PCs.
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Review of Molecular Modelling Programs

Reviews, screenshots, and table of features comparing over a dozen freely available molecular modelling and viewing programs.
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Jamberoo: Cross Platform Molecular Editor

Free cross-platform application for displaying, analyzing, editing, converting and animating molecular systems.
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Open source advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science and related areas. It offers flexible rendering and a powerful plugin architecture.
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A free and flexible molecular graphics and modelling package which can be also used to generate animated sequences.
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