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Rotifera Websites

The phylum Rotifera comprises about 1800 species. Al the members are aquatic and are less than 1 millimetre in length. They are strange-looking organisms with lobes, bulges and cilia.- Category ID : 418459
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Observing a Rotifer Birth

A lucky amateur microscopist captured the birth of a rotifer on film!
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Lots of great rotifer pictures and references.
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Article by Ken Jones and Maurice Smith on the feeding mechanisms of various rotifers, and of the pleasure of observing these and other organisms under the microscope.
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The Rotifer Jaw: Brachionus

Photographic article on the constituent parts of the jaws of this species.
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Life in a Drop of Water

Article by Mike Morgan in Micscape magazine on rotifers, with several photographs of British specimens.
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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Photographs of a rotifer and her eggs being predated by protozoa.
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Keratella Rotifers

Photographs, bibliographic information and technical details about genus Keratella.
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Digital Video Gallery: Pond Life

Includes multiple videos of 10 genera of Rotifera, along with many species of Protozoans, Algae, and other organisms.
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Stunning photographs and descriptions of rotifers by Wim van Egmond.
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Photographic study by Martin Mach of this tube-dwelling rotifer
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Photographic study by Wim van Egmond of this colonial rotifer.
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An Interactive Rotifer

Information on the sessile rotifer Collotheca with an interesting mouse-over image.
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Video Gallery: A Rotifer Sequence

Photographic study by Dave Walker of the fascinating Collotheca specimen he found when looking for something else.
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Trehalose and Suspended Animation

Article by Hugo Baillie-Johnson on a mechanism adopted by some creatures to enable them to withstand severe conditions such as dessication, with a series of illustratory images.
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The Fascinating World of Rotifers

Article by Jean-Marie Cavanihac on these creatures with many photographs, some of them animated.
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Welcome to the Wonderfully Weird World of Rotifers

Article by Richard L. Howey introducing these organisms with a gallery of fine images.
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Microbe Movie Stars: The Rotifer Limnias

Animated gif of this small, multicellular organism, with an explanation of the function of the features seen.
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Microbe Movie Stars: The Rotifer Brachionus

Animated gif of this small, multicellular organism, with an explanation of the function of the features seen.
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Rotifera in Bromeliad Phytotelmata

List and description of rotifers associated with bromeliads in Jamaica.
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Fresh Water Rotifers

Provides an introduction to rotifers with photomicrographs of bdelloid rotifers.
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Photographs and information on this genus of freshwater rotifers.
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Rotifers: The Wheel Animalcules

Introduction to this phylum from UCMP Berkeley.
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Photographs and references from the Tree of Life Web Project.
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