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Neutron Stars Websites

- Category ID : 416995
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Little Green Men, White Dwarfs or Pulsars?

A personal account by Jocelyn Bell Burnell on the discovery of pulsars.
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Introduction to Pulsar Astronomy

A tutorial on radio pulsars and "The Sounds of Pulsars"
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A Gravitationally Powered Oscillatory Pulsar Model

Proposed advanced theory of mainstream pulsars being oscillatory and powered by gravitational contraction, rather than rotary.
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Atmospheres of Neutron Stars

An interactive archive of neutron star atmosphere models, for advanced students and researchers.
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Catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants (SNRs)

Listing of over 200 supernova remnants.
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Neutron Stars

Overview of what is known about neutron stars, including a discussion of X-ray bursters.
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Jodrell Bank Observatory: Pulsar Research

As one of the research groups of the Jodrell Bank Observatory, they form part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom. They have many collaborations with other research groups across the world and, in particular, with the ATNF with whom they are the main partners in the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey.
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Introduction to Neutron Stars

An accessible introduction to neutron stars that includes details on their life cycles as well as detailed information on neutron star variants such as x-ray and gamma ray bursters.
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Neutron Stars and X-ray Binaries

An accessible summary of neutron stars and X-ray binaries, presented by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Includes a questions and answers section and a selection of images.
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A Tutorial on Radio Pulsars

A tutorial from the Australia Telescope National Facility, Parkes, New South Wales
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Neutron Stars

This site provides a concise definition and description of neutron stars. Suitable for university students.
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Neutron Star

Article from Wikipedia on this remnant that can result from the gravitational collapse of a massive star.
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Amateurfunk, Erde-Mond-Erde, EME, VHF, DX, 144MHz, 50 MHz
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Windows to the Universe: Neutron Stars

A typical neutron star is the size of a small city, but it may have the mass of as many as three suns.
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Virtual Trips to Black Holes and Neutron Stars Page

Ever wonder what it would look like to travel to a black hole or neutron star?
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