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United States Websites

- Category ID : 416910
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Discovery Museum and Planetarium

General information, calendar of events, exhibits, newsletter, programs, membership, news, and links.
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Morehead Planetarium and Science Center

Calendar, programs, membership, news, resources, guide, field trip planning, and resources.
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Mueller Planetarium

Astronomy shows, laser shows, and FAQ.
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BYU Planetarium

Information and schedule.
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Christa McAuliffe Planetarium

Calendar of events, show times and descriptions, sky calendar, resources, workshops, classes, and courses.
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The Planetarium at De Anza College

Times, descriptions of shows, directions, group field trips, and links.
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Abrams Planetarium

Skywatchers areas, sky calendar, programs, staff, and history.
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Sanford Museum and Planetarium

Programs, society information, exhibits, facility, calendar, and mission statement. Located in Cherokee, Iowa.
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Sudekum Planetarium

Charts, articles, star parties, now showing, and schedules.
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Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium

News, introduction, history, events, schedules, members, current sky, teaching aids, gallery, and links.
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Delta College Planetarium and Learning Center

Shows, calendar, facility, photos, projects, and activities.
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The SRJC Planetarium

Shows, about the facility, directions, newsletter, and links.
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Fiske Planetarium

Facility information, events, education, and links.
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San Francisco State University Charles F. Hagar Planetarium

Information about the facility, reservations, schedule, and directions.
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Alden Planetarium

Information, schedule, and programs.
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Fels Planetarium

Now playing, schedules, general information, and links.
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Strasenburgh Planetarium

Show schedule, Challenger Learning Center, links, teacher information, community learning, and programs and events.
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Davis Planetarium

Schedule of shows at the Maryland Science Center with information on each.
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Wayne State University Planetarium

General information with pictures. Uses a Spitz SciDome HD projection system.
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Allentown School District Planetarium

Astronomy information, history, support, photos, educational programs, and astrophotos.
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Barlow Planetarium

Schedule, shows, facility information, gallery, and space academy.
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Tomchin Planetarium and Observatory

Shows, pictures, sky charts, archives, and links.
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William M. Staerkel Planetarium

Shows, field trips, facilities, membership, lectures, and directions.
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Saunders Planetarium

Shows, events, and tutoring.
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Ott Planetarium

Upcoming events, directions, astrotools, staff calendar, and programming.
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