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International Facilities Websites

This category lists sites especially for astronomical observatories of institutions specifically the international facilities.- Category ID : 416897
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Brera Astronomical Observatory

Information and services, research, publications, seminars, highlights, and links.
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Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Facility information, information bulletin on variable stars, publications, activities, databases, and links.
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Bradford Robotic Telescope

General information, how to use, educational material, news, forum, the team, and links.
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European Southern Observatory

Observing facilities and operations, projects and developments, activities, and general information.
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Gemini Observatory

Public information and outreach, observing information, schedules, instrument information, archives, and library.
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La Silla Observatory

User information, astroclimatology, equipment and instrumentation, observing and operations, and links.
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Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

News, proposal information, schedules, observing information, equipment and instrument information, and recently completed programs.
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Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes

General and public information, equipment and instrument information, observing information, news, and resources.
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Anglo-Australian Observatory

Information on the equipment and center, general and professional astronomy, and observing, including images and icons.
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Telescopio Nazionale Galileo

General information, equipment and instrument description, facilities, observing, schedules, and publications and documents.
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El Observatorio Astrofísico Guillermo Haro

2.12 meter, 16 inch and 8 inch instrumentation, and includes facility, equipment and camera information.
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Leiden Observatory

General information, research, events, facility information, education, news, and links.
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The Antarctic Infrared Observatory

Operation of 1.8 meter for wide-field imaging, queue observing, and standardized data processing, and includes overview, facility information, and team.
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Nordic Optical Telescope

General information, equipment and instruments, observer information, resources, and education and outreach.
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South African Astronomical Observatory

General information, news, research information, observing and facilities information, education, images, calendars, and links.
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National Astronomical Observatories - Chinese Academy of Sciences

Information on the meter-wave aperture synthesis radio, multi-channel solar magnetic field, mark-III photoelectric astrolabe, 60/90cm Schmidt, 1.26m infrared, 2.16m optical, 7M solar radio, 85cm reflector, and 60cm reflector telescopes.
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Siding Spring Observatory

Research, technology, activities, news, and gallery.
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Pico dos Dias Observatory

Equipment, instruments and detectors, schedule, publications, and data bank.
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