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Exobiology Websites

Exobiology (also called Astrobiology or Xenobiology) is a branch of biology investigating the possibility of extraterrestrial life and studying the possible effects of extraterrestrial environments on life.- Category ID : 416852
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Harvard OEB

Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Researches and teaches "biology with a global perspective."
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Cosmic Ancestry

The modern version of panspermia, Cosmic Ancestry treats all of evolution, not just the origin of life on Earth.
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The Astrobiology Web

An online guide to the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the Universe as well as all other aspects of space exploration.
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Net Advance of Physics: Bioastronomy

An experimental page part of the MIT Net Advance project. Includes research and review articles, and offline as well as online materials.
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Origins of Life in our Solar System

A brief overview of creation of the universe and origins of life in our solar system.
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NSCORT in Origins of Life

The NASA Specialized Center of Research and Training at the New York Center for Studies of the Origins of Life. A partnership with RPI and SUNY-Albany.
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Carnegie Institution of Washington

A private, nonprofit organization engaged in basic research and advanced education in biology, astronomy, and the earth sciences. Part of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.
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Cosmic Ancestry

Gives examples of microbes that survive the vacuum of space. Discusses Neo-Darwinism.
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A Search for Evidence of Interplanetary and Atmospheric Microbial Delivery Systems

Conference paper on the solar wind propelled interplanetary viral and bacterial movements.
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University of Southern California: Geobiology and Astrobiology

Studies the history of life on earth as well as the role the biota continue to play in shaping modern environments.
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