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Cosmology Websites

- Category ID : 416692
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Cosmology Without Big Bang

The right Hubble Law is derived to obtain a cosmology with expansion but without Big Bang. In German and English.
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Living Universe

A personal vision of the origin of the universe.
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Theory of Reciprocity

A Newtonian approach to understanding the phenomenon of existence and the nature of the cosmos.
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Fractal Cosmology

Denies the Big Bang theory and claims that the universe is of infinitely replicated fractal structure.
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WingMakers, The Ancient Arrow Project

Introduces a new cosmology and a future vision of our universe and our purpose therein.
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Cube Theory

This site attempts to explain the structure of the universe.
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Electric Cosmos

Proposes a cosmology based primarily on electrical phenomena.
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The Cause of the Cosmological Red Shift

Charles Weber outlines his theory that the red shift is caused by gravitational interaction with masses passed in space and consequently, there is no expansion of galaxies.
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The Collapsing Universe

Martin Gradwell explains how observed phenomena can be explained in terms of a nonhomogeneous closed universe, with a central singularity, undergoing gravitational collapse.
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Curvature Cosmology

Free PDF version of this book by David F. Crawford. It provides a complete theory and extensive applications to all major cosmological observations.
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Alternative Cosmology Group

The ACG is an open society of scientists from all over the world, dedicated to the advance in cosmology and basic research.
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Our Undiscovered Universe

Book by Terence Witt exploring null physics and its applications in cosmology as well as other sciences.
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Cosmic Concerns

Discusses current theories of cosmology as they relate to recent discoveries in astronomy.
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Theory of the Children Reality

Theory of everything founded upon a simple but powerful system for understanding any and everything.
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My Theory of Creation Plus the Meaning of Life

David Croston provides a creation theory with a different big bang. He also discusses the meaning of life, a new propulsion method and other ideas.
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The Well-Balanced Universe

A new explanation of both the universe and gravity, based on the second law of thermodynamics, with no big bang, inflation, dark materials or singularities. A downloadable ebook by Edmund Wood.
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Comedy Recycling Theory of the Entire Known Universe

An alternative theory which introduces new concepts in gravity and the nature of black holes.
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Fractal Universe

A pictorial hypothesis by Colin Hill proposing that the universe consists of a series of spiral bodies of diminishing size, each made in turn by plasma ejection and moulded by a spatial Coriolis effect: a rotating fractal universe.
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How the Universe is Built

Provides articles and videoes that describe the way superclusters, clusters of galaxies, galaxies, stars etc. form, evolve and decay by following a cosmic design involving a fractal knot which appears in large scales to micro-scales.
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Observational Evidences Against Big-bang and Black-hole

Proposes that the redshifts of the galaxies and the cosmic microwave background radiation have different explanations than provided by the big-bang cosmology. The dynamics at the centers of the galaxies are also not driven by supermassive black-holes.
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A Thesis on the Structure of the Universe

This article by James A. Marusek describes the evolutionary cycle of a black hole, the big bang theory in the context of a steady state universe and the existence of a gravitational switch.
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New Universe: Timelessness in Time

A new theory of the universe which is a hierarchically entangled fractal driven by a universal cosmic design.
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PQR Theory: Pythagorean Quantum Relativity

Nick Mitchell explores the idea that our universe is a physical manifestation of the natural numbers.
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Everything Forever

Aims to help the reader step outside of time and imagine the shape of what is ultimately possible in a timeless universe.
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An Investigative Report of Science Fraud at NASA

Bibhas De alleges that the WMAP satellite was a botched experiment, the subsequent publications were a fraud, and the 2006 Nobel Prize in physics is part of the great cover-up.
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A New Model of the Universe

An original work by P D Ouspensky.
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A Contradiction in the Theory of Universal Expansion

It is generally accepted that the withdrawal velocities of galaxies, will be proportional to their distances and will also be proportional to the time it takes for light to travel from the galaxies to the observer. Fred L. Walker argues that these two statements are contradictory.
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Thermodynamics Applied to Cosmology

Bernard R. Bligh asserts that calculations on the hot big bang theory show that it violates the laws of thermodynamics.
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The Universe and Us

Cosmological treatise by Per Lassen on our relationship with the visible versus the entire universe, based on cosmological equations, explained with graphics and concluding in the philosophical implications for mankind.
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Reinventing the Universe

Jerrold Thacker presents his thoughts on a non-cosmological cause of the redshift of distant objects and offers plausible alternate explanations for other cosmological anomalies.
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Spiritual Astronomy with its Celestial Cosmology

Scot Aaron examines reality by combining core spiritual understandings with scientific data, especially astrophysics and particular celestial and stellar structures.
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Double Bubble Universe

Offers a free ebook describing the fractal nature of the universe and how it builds a double bubble shape of giant conjoined twins.
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