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idmoz Science Agriculture Soils Soil Morphology, Classification and Survey

Soil Morphology, Classification and Survey Websites

# What are Soil Morphology, Classification and Survey? Soil Morphology, Classification and Survey are three intimately related sub-disciplines of soil science. They are used one after the other: 1. DESCRIBING and MEASURING soil properties in one or several places (for instance its physical, chemical and biological characteristics, or its internal organisation). Although each example is related to another "Soils" sub-discipline, the overall process is often related as "SOIL MORPHOLOGY" 2. Once soil properties have been measured, it is possible to try to interpret them: What are the main traits of the soil morphology? How does behaves this soil (water flow, etc.)? How the soil has been formed (that is its "pedogenesis") and on which parental materials? As there are infinite variations in soil properties, soil scientist often CLASSIFY soils in CATEGORIES/CLASSES. They have built CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS that operates at various scales: international, national or regional. 3. What often inte- Category ID : 416677
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Sweden: MarkInfo

Information and maps on Swedish forest soils, their morphological and chemical properties. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
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USA: The Twelve Soil Orders

This system for classifying soils is one of the most widely used soil classification systems in the world. Collection of information and images to illustrate the distribution, properties, ecological significance, and use of these 12 soil orders.
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USA: Soil Survey Information for Massachusetts and New England

Featuring soil information, ground penetrating radar, GIS, and soil profile photos.
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Are Laterites Caused by the Alkaline Gut of Termites?

It is proposed that latisols (ultisols) are caused by the extremely alkaline midgut of humus eating termites.
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Soil Survey Photography

Principles and Techniques is a presentation on Soil Survey photography. [PowerPoint Presentation]
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USA: NRCS Soil Survey

Lists soil surveys, survey programs, soil survey technology, standards, data and references.
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South Africa: Agricultural Geo-referenced Information System - Soils

Soil surveys, soil classification and dynamic maps for South-Africa. ARC Institute for Soil, Climate and Water/AGIS.
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European Soil Portal

European soil related databases, maps, documents, publications, projects, news and mailing-list at the European Commission, Joint Research Centre.
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World: Lecture Notes on the Major Soils of the World

Description, characteristics, geography, landforms and genesis of the 30 Reference Soil Groups (WRB), grouped in 10 sets.
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World Reference Base, Map of World Soil Resources

Map, information and legend of the World Soil Resources. 1:25.000.000 scale, with image and georeferenced vector formats, FAO/AGL 2003.
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Advanced Soil Genesis: Soil Morphology and Classification

A short introduction to soil morphology (description) and a presentation of the 12 soil orders (US) and their genesis. University of Arizona, Soil, Water and Environmental Science, Craig Rasmussen.
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UK: United Kingdom soil classification system

A short introduction to UK soil classification system. Soil characteristics and soil classes. SoilsWorldwide (National Soil Resources Institute, Cranfield University)
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World: GlobalSoilMap

A international project of fine-resolution world soil map (and derived information), using existing datasets and state-of the art mapping technologies.
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Canada: Soils of Canada

A collection of soil profiles representing the twenty Great Groups in the Canadian System of Soil Classification. Includes descriptions of soils and plants of Sub-Boreal Spruce Zone and the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Biogeoclimatic Zone. Many pictures.
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Australian Soil Classification: An Interactive Key

Gives details of a CD-ROM of this name, a reference tool that allows the purchaser to allocate soil profiles to any level of the official Australian Soil Classification.
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World Soil Survey Archive and Catalogue (WOSSAC)

Collection of (paper) soil maps, reports and imagery established by British soil scientists in various countries.
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Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS)

Interactive soil maps and information on soil resources in Australia, from national to local (soil profile) scale.
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USA: Web Soil Survey (USDA, NRCS)

Interactive soil maps and soil information in United States (data from National Cooperative Soil Survey).
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UK: LandIS - Land Information System

Provide site reports, GIS datasets and a free "Interactive Soilscapes Viewer" for UK soils National Soil Resource Institute, Cranfield University).
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Soil Collections , Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Datasets of soil properties (physical and chemical), at various scales. Distributed Active Archive Center, USA.
21 -, African Soil Information Service

A new digital soil map of Africa. Project leaded by the CIAT/CGIAR and financed by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.
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FAO: Land Resources

The Land Tenure and Management Unit promotes the development of cost-effective methods for land and soil survey and classification and maintains a database and web-based information system on land resources and land use.
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The Australian Soil Classification

Explains classification schemes in general with detailed description of Australian soil types, glossary and references.
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USA: The Soils of Pennsylvania

Information on soil management.
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Classification Procedures for Expansive Soils

Article by A Sridharan and K Prakash discussing how best to set about classifying expansive soils, as the use of standard methods of classification result in distress to the structures founded on them.
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