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Society and Culture Websites

Websites about the society and culture of the Appalachian mountains region, including sociology, religion, history and genealogy, social services, politics, and related resources and institutions that serve the people of the region.- Category ID : 342131
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Appalachia Service Project

A Christian home repair/home building ministry through which volunteers and staff repair and build homes for low-income families in rural Central Appalachia. Program information, volunteer opportunities, background on regional issues, and essays.
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Appalachian Community Fund

Provides funding for social change to community and grassroots organizations in Central Appalachia, including West Virginia, eastern Kentucky and Tennessee, and southwest Virginia. Information about programs, issues, and the grant process.
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The Mountain Laurel

An online journey into the Blue Ridge and Appalachian Mountains, featuring stories and photos of the people and cultural heritage of the region along the Blue Ridge Parkway.
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Hillbilly Highway: Appalachia and America

Syllabus and readings for University of North Carolina seminar on the history, politics, and culture of the Appalachian region.
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Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Tri-State Area

Non-profit agency that serves at-risk youth from single parent homes in Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia, and pairs them up with an adult volunteer for the purpose of friendship and guidance.
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Central Appalachian Network

Multi-state network working to build a healthy regional economy in Central Appalachia. Promotes economic justice through ecologically sustainable rural development strategies, local self-reliance and innovative community building.
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The Virginia Creeper

Devoted to preserving and promoting Appalachian history.

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