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Interest Groups Websites

- Category ID : 269657
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As Maine Goes

Conservative forum on state issues and national politics.
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Maine Freedom of Information Coalition

Provides an overview of the Maine Freedom of Access Act, sample letters, violation report forms, and the results of government compliance with access requirements.
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Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices

Maine State white paper on lobbyists, PACs, and political committees for candidates to know the rules of the game.
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Maine Education Association

Nonprofit representing teachers in Maine.
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Christian Civic League of Maine

Seeks to present and maintain an effective, positive, and faithful Christian witness in the public life of the State of Maine
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Let Cuba Live

A group of Maine people promoting direct action, education, and legislative effort to normalize US relations with Cuba.
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Consumers for Affordable Health Care

Provides health-related links, background on Dirigo Health, and news in support of expanding health care coverage.
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Maine Citizens for Tax Reform and Relief

Dedicated to achieving socially responsible tax reform. Offers information about property taxes within the state, strategies, contact, and links.
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Maine Women

Goal is to increase economic, social, and political opportunities for women and girls through public policy and leadership development.
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League of Women Voters of Maine

Nonpartisan political membership organization encourages informed, active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Features calendar, news, issues, voter information, publications, newsletter [PDF], volunteer opportunities and membership information.
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Maine Civil Liberties Union

Advocate for civil liberties and civil rights in Maine features legislative testimony, newsletter, and publications.
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