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Organizations Websites
The professional organizations listed in this category provide services to various professionals who are their members.- Category ID : 265759
1 - AIA Maine
News, events, chapter meetings, awards and member list for state chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
2 - Maine Potato Board
Organization provides information on the potato, dealers, news, events, products and even has recipes.
4 - Maine Professional Guides Association
Composed of Registered Maine Guides who are striving to enhance the standards of the guiding industry. Provides information about the association and gives a list of individual members.
6 - Score
A volunteer organization of retired executives providing counseling and assistance to those wishing to start or improve their business.
7 - BuildGreenMaine
Organization offers education, conferences, workshops, and events to foster green construction technologies.
8 - Maine Lobster Council
Founded in 1991 to promote Maine lobster, Bangor based MLC works to promote the sale of lobsters throughout the world.