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- Category ID : 244298
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Makah Nation

Official homepage with government and cultural information, also with a special FAQ about whaling.
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Menominee Nation

Official homepage of the Wisconsin tribe, with information on culture, history, sustainable forestry, and government.
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Muscogee Creek Nation

Official site contains tribal history, festival information, tribal members of note, and links to other Native sites.
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Mohegan Tribe

Official site of the tribe in Connecticut (with a reservation on the Thames River near Uncasville), providing information on culture, history, government, economic enterprises, religion and events.
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The Miami Tribe of Oklahoma

Official homepage of the tribe, with history and culture information.
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The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe

Federally recognized tribe comprises six member bands. Map, mission statement. Explanation of how tribal government interacts with other forms of government. Organizational chart, information on services. Requires Java.
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The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians

Features a time line of the history. Includes culture, government services, tribal economics and enterprises, press room, contact information and investor relations.
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Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians, CA

Tribal government, departments and news.
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Stockbridge-Munsee Community

Official site for this band of the Mohican (Mahican) Nation, including tribal government, history, family services, education, and news and events. Reservation in Wisconsin.
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The Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma

Tribal contact information and services.
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Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community

Non-profit organization dedicated to preserving their Dakota heritage.
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Monacan Indian Tribe Home Page

History and culture of the Monacan Indians of Amherst County, Virginia.
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The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe

History, culture, and tribal information from this Minnesota-based band.
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