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Environmental Protection Agency Websites

- Category ID : 242129
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Freedom of Information Act Information

How to request information from the U.S. EPA.
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Environmental Protection Agency

Current issues information (Sept. 11, anthrax), reports on 17 key environmental topics from air to water, kids page, laws/regulations and further official agency information. EPA protects human health by safeguarding the natural environment - air, water and land.
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Office of Environmental Education

Works to provide members of the public with a wide variety of useful environmental education resources.
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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program - EMAP

An EPA research program to develop the tools necessary to monitor and assess the status and trends of national ecological resources.
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Provides access to several EPA databases that provide information about environmental activities that may affect air, water, and land in the United States.
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Science Advisory Board

Provides independent scientific and engineering advice to the EPA. SAB deals with risk assessment issues and the portion of risk management that deals with the technical issues associated with control options.
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Small Business Gateway

Gateway to environmental information and contacts for small businesses.
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Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation

Promotes innovation to achieve greater and more cost-effective public health and environmental protection.
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Science Inventory

Searchable catalog of science activities and scientific and technical work products (for example, risk assessments, technical studies and guidance, and research.)
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EPA Environmental Information Management System New Catalog Records

EIMS feed lists recent entries into this system that stores metadata for data sets, databases, documents, models, multimedia, projects, and spatial information from agency programs and investigations.
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EPA Mailing Lists

Information about lists providing news and announcements on a variety of environmental topics and workgroups.
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EPA Climate Change Site

Focuses on the science and impacts of global warming or climate change, and on actions by governments, corporations, and individuals that help address global warming issues. Also features climate change related news, events, publications, reports, presentations, and links to other sites.
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EPA History

Provides information in the form of documents, statistics, and other useful resources on the history of the EPA.
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US EPA Laws and Regulations

Find out about regulations and proposed rules, codified regulations, current legislation, and Laws.
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EPA Federal Register Environmental Documents

Contains the full-text of selected Federal Register documents that deal with environmentally-related issues.
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US EPA - Global Methane Initiative

Promotes profitable opportunities for reducing emissions of methane (an important greenhouse gas) around the world.

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