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Christianity Websites

- Category ID : 187677
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Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

Upcoming events, parish directory, religious resources and links to other related sites.
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Canadian Christian Business Federation

A national network of Christian businesses; membership and contact information. Chapters across Canada.
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Focus on the Family Canada

Non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the home, offering support to Canadian families through special events, print and video media, web resources and radio broadcasts.
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Saint Peter Publications

Online resource for traditional Anglicans and orthodox Christians.
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Promise Keepers Canada

Challenges men to follow their life quest as laid out in scriptures. Includes background information, resources, schedule updates and testimonies.
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Canadian Baptist Ministries

National partnership of four Baptist conventions and unions. Resources and ministries.
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Canadian Christian news and resources about the bible, New Testament scriptures, the gospels, psalms, and prayer.
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Christian Business Ministries Canada - CBMC

Christian business and professional leaders committed to personal, corporate, and community transformation by equipping other leaders to be ambassadors for Christ.
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Church of God

A German-speaking group of the Church of God Reformation Movement. Includes a list of congregations across Canada, coming events, and an archive of articles.
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EMAS Canada

A Christian charitable non-governmental organization who assist with healthcare initiatives overseas by sending medical, surgical and dental teams, training of nationals, a feeding centre, provision of clean water and assistance with existing clinics.
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Evangelical Free Church of Canada

An association of over 150 churches joined together by common purposes, principles and practices. Provides information about their ministries, missions and publications.
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Grace Communion International - Canada

Congregations, missions, news and updates.
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The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada

A group of local churches in Canada. A Christ-centred, spirit-empowered, mission-focused movement.
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