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Organizations Websites

- Category ID : 187510
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Heraldry Society of Canada

History, traditions, links to other heraldic sites and information about becoming a member of the society.
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Wellington County Genealogical Society

Research resources for Wellington County, Ontario, including Guelph.
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Ontario Chapter, Association of Professional Genealogists

Formed in 1996 to offer a forum for APG members residing in the Province of Ontario.General interest issues and mutual concerns, as well as topics of specific interest to Ontario genealogists, are discussed and shared.
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HEIRS - Harrow Early Immigrant Research Society

Based in Harrow and Colchester South areas of Essex County, Ontario.
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Saskatchewan Genealogical Society

Provides assistance to residents researching heritage around the world and we promote, encourage and foster the study of genealogical and original research in the province.
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Ontario Genealogical Society

The main genealogical society in Ontario, it also has several county branches.
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Society Hill

Directory of Canadian historical and genealogical societies.
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British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa

Non-profit society which works with the National Archives of Canada to study family histories of people with origins in British Isles. Includes program and membership details, publications, and event calendar.
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Genealogical Institute of the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada

Dedicated to promoting the study of genealogy within the Society. Discusses activities, news, roots and genealogical links.
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Family History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador

Membership, regular meetings and other information.
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York Region Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society

Assists and brings together all those interested in the pursuit of family history in York Region (formerly known as York County).
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Manitoba Genealogical Society

Non-profit organization that promotes and encourages an interest in genealogy and family history in Manitoba. Includes branch details, membership information, list of publications, and roster of record searchers.
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Kent Branch OGS

Kent County Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society. Chatham-Kent.
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Waterloo Region Branch OGS

Information about their newsletter, special projects, publications, library, meetings, and membership.
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