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Ethnicity Websites

This category deals cultural identity issues resulting from racial or cultural ties or ancestry.- Category ID : 187500
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Canadian Tamil Literature

Translated works of Canadian Tamil writers and information related to Tamil literature.
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Canada Cuba

Arranges and facilitates cultural education, exchange programs and conferences in Cuba.
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Ukrainian Canadian Congress

An umbrella organization representing all Canadians of Ukrainian heritage. Features Canada-Ukraine relations, community profiles, news releases, arts and media information, and job postings.
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Canadian Nordic Society

Celebrates the links and common interests between Canada and the Nordic countries. Includes upcoming events, news and related links.
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Chinese Canadian Heritage Fund

Mission is to preserve, record, and promote Chinese Canadian Heritage and its contribution to the building of Canadian society.
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The National Council on Canada Arab Relations

Dedicated to fostering a better understanding of the Arab world through international partnerships with Canada.
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Canadian Association for Irish Studies

Offers information about Irish culture in Canada and publishes a newsletter, the Canadian Journal of Irish Studies.
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Malaysian Association of Canada (MAC)

A non-profit organization bringing together Malaysians and non-Malaysians with Canadians through educational, social, cultural and economic activities. Includes news, events, and a discussion forum.
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Multicultural Canada

Promotes learning, understanding and communication amongst and within the cultural groups in Canada. A project involving the Canadian government and several universities.
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Moroccan Connection in Canada

In support of a strong Moroccan community, nurturing values and traditions which sustain our culture. Offers membership, events, photos and news about immigration.
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The Hungarian Presence in Canada

Highlights contemporary Hungarian-Canadian artistic, literary and intellectual contributions in the context of the arrival of Hungarian refugees in 1956-57.
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Canada India Foundation

Dedicated to promoting relations between Canada and India, and promoting the Indo-Canadian community. Features a newsroom, membership, issues, a gallery and contact details.
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Anatolian Heritage Foundation

Activities, news, and other information regarding the Turkish-Canadian community.
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Clans And Scottish Societies Of Canada

Festivals, events and history of the clan.

Subcategories under Ethnicity 2

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