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Activism Websites

- Category ID : 187489
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Hack Canada

The hub of the Canadian hacktivism sub-culture.
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Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

Committed to the protection and promotion of human health by addressing issues of local and global environmental degradation.
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The Polaris Institute

Engaged in retooling citizen movements for democratic social change in an age of corporate-driven globalization. Features articles and news about ongoing issues and projects.
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Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

Non-profit, registered charitable organization which aids survivors to overcome the lasting effects of torture and war.
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Canadian Federal Inmates and their Families

The correctional system in Canada through the eyes of Canadian prisoners and their families.
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National Citizens Coalition

Conservative Canadian organization that promotes free enterprise, individual freedom, strong defence and better government. Outlines their current campaigns and membership information.
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Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal

Canadian public policy activist group led by Beryl Wajsman.
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Progressive Group for Independent Business

Conservative organization that lobbies for less government, lower taxes and political accountability at all levels of Canadian government.
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Make Marijuana Legal

A blog dedicated to the legalization of marijuana, primarily within Canada, but worldwide as well.
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Canadian Crossroads International

Non-profit organization dedicated to building a constituency of global citizens committed to voluntarism, international development and social action.
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Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

Supports and advances the sexual and reproductive health and rights movement.
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Canada Family Action Coalition (CFAC)

A citizens action organization that provides strategies, networking, training and tools to enable ordinary Canadians to influence their government to restore Judeo-Christian moral principles.
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Canadian Environmental Network

Activists working together to protect the Earth. Activity, events, group and publications information provided.
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