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Financial Services Websites

This category is for websites about business and economic activities related to financial services. Topics include businesses providing bookkeeping, accounting, banking, and mortgage services. Please only submit sites belonging to banks, credit unions, lending institutions, insurance companies, accounting firms and providers of related financial services.- Category ID : 174934
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Orbis Mutual Funds

Bermuda based mutual fund company since 1990. Offers a history of the company, investment philosophy, photos and brief resume of the principals, investment returns and contact information.
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Bermuda Stock Exchange

Fully-electronic offshore securities market. News and information about trading.
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Lines Overseas Management

Founded in 1992 as a financial management and investment firm. Offers offshore brokerage accounts, asset protection, estate planning, employment opportunities with the company and online and email contact information.
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Bermuda Investment Advisory Services, Ltd.

Established in 1981 as a non-bank financial investment firm. Offers a choice of financial products and services, including planning, securities, pension plans, mutual funds and includes contact information.
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Independent Financial Services

Incorporated in 1998 as an independent financial services company. Offers mutual funds, stocks and bonds, financial planning, brokerage accounts and online and email contact information.
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Anchor Investment Management

Founded in 1984 as a global asset management organization. Offers a variety of financial products and services, including money market funds, bond portfolios, fixed income funds, mutual funds, pension planning and includes contact information.
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WP Stewart & Co., Ltd

Asset management company. Offers a variety of financial products and services, including managed accounts, private wealth investment vehicles, includes resumes of the board of directors, management and includes their current stock quote and SEC filings.
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Acumen Group

Provides consulting, outsourcing, insurance management, run-off and recruitment services in Bermuda the USA and the UK. Includes details of services provided.
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Bermuda Business Development Agency

Organisation of resident companies offering accounting, legal, banking, management, e-business, IT and international trust and fund services. Member list, legislation, news and events.
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Clarien Bank

Licensed and regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Authority for over 60 years. Offers financial planning, trusts, saving accounts, mortgages, personal loans, card services CD products, estate planning, stock research and online contact information.
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Bermuda Offshore Investment Services

Private offshore financial investment and management firm. Provides financial services and products for offshore investing, including financial and estate planning, portfolio management, deferred compensation plans, includes a photo and brief resume of the Managing Director.

Subcategories under Financial Services 2

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