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Issues Websites

This category lists sites dealing with social controversies pertinent to the region.- Category ID : 168596
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Asylum Destitution Support Network

Aims to raise awareness of asylum destitution in Scotland, and to promote and coordinate practical support and aid projects. Information on the crisis, their campaign events and news, and a directory of useful contacts.
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Citizens Advice Scotland

Helps people resolve their money, legal and other problems by providing information and advice. Profile, services, volunteering information and campaigns.
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Development Trusts Association Scotland

The national body for community based regeneration work; includes information about their activities, a directory of members, and contact details.
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Ethnic Minorities Law Centre

Provides ethnic minority communities, in Glasgow and the West of Scotland, with access to professional services to address legal needs; includes information about projects, services, history, and volunteer opportunities. [May not work in all browsers.]
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The Hebridean Trust

Dedicated to preserving the unique Hebridean way of life, and to secure the future of communities in the isles. Information about projects, newsletters, ways to help, and contacts.
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One Parent Families Scotland

Information, links and resources for single parents in Scotland.
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Positive Action in Housing Ltd

Charity for ethnic minorities; includes, profile, details of membership, articles, news, how to volunteer and training.
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The Refugee Survival Trust

Provides small grant support to refugee families. Details of patrons, trustees, activities and links.
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Rural Housing Service

Provides help and support on housing issues. Includes information about what they do, who they are, case studies, news and information, and contact information.
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Scottish Association for Mental Health

Offers profile of aims, advice on illness, services offered and contact details.
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Scottish Friends of Israel

Supporting and promoting universal freedoms, human rights and social justice for Israel and all freedom loving peoples; includes group profile, news, and contacts.
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The Scottish Poppy Appeal

Offers practical support to ex-Service people, their families and dependents in need. Includes an online donation service, support information and contact details.
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Scottish Refugee Council

Offers advice, information and assistance to asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland. Details of events, publications, news, jobs and volunteering.
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Shelter Scotland

Provides housing advice, support for homeless families, support for rural communities, and advocacy. Includes housing advice, campaign information, how to help, jobs and programmes.
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Victim Support Scotland

Offers support to victims and witnesses of crime. Includes directory of local contacts, helpline information, and details of their multi-language assistance.
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Social Enterprise Scotland

A membership-led lobbying and campaigning organisation for social enterprise in Scotland. Includes profiles of key personnel and details of events.
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Gordon Brown is Innocent

Campaign to clear a Scottish whistle-blower who was sentenced to five years imprisonment by a Namibian court.
18 - Support After You Report a Crime

Offers advice on reporting crime, arrest and prosecution, sentencing, and contact details.
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Debt Advisory Services (Scotland) Ltd

Set up to provide a solution to spiraling debt for people in Scotland.
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Homeless Action Scotland

Contains news, briefings and information on the organisation and the work they do.
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