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Organisations Websites

For sites from UK organisations, societies or groups devoted to the cultivation of a particular plant or species.- Category ID : 165865
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British Cactus and Succulent Society

Promotes the study, conservation, propagation and cultivation of cacti and other succulent plants. Features message board, news, schedule and local chapter contacts.
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The Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group of the Royal Horticultural Society

Information on membership, events, publications, and seed exchange, and for each of the plant groups an overview of cultivation information, species, and hybrids, with photo gallery.
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Cyclamen Society

Encourages cultivation and conservation, and disseminates and extends knowledge of the genus Cyclamen and its species, forms and cultivars.
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The Alpine Garden Society

Promoting an interest in all aspects of alpine plants cultivation and conservation. Provides newsletter, seed exchange and event schedule.
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British Clematis Society

Offers culture information, seed exchange, photographs, events, and featured plants.
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The National Dahlia Society

The governing body for the promotion of dahlias in the UK, regulating shows, classification, and judging. Information about membership and events, as well as about dahlias and their cultivation.
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The National Auricula & Primula Society

Formed in 1873 to grow auriculas and gold-laced polyanthus, now with three independent sections covering the whole range of primula species and hybrids including such popular plants as primroses and polyanthus.
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Wakefield and North of England Tulip Society

Information about membership, activities, events and annual show.
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The International Asclepiad Society

Society formed in 1976 in the UK to increase available knowledge about all aspects of Asclepiadaceae and increase the number of species in cultivation.
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The Hardy Plant Society

Formed 40 years ago to ensure that older, rarer and unusual hardy perennial plants are conserved and made available to gardeners.
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The Tees-side Rose Society

Information on the society, and on growing roses in the north of England.
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National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens

Administers the National Plant Collection Scheme, concerned with conservation of the gene pool of cultivated garden plants.
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Herb Society

Information about herbs and society membership from worldwide organisation founded in 1927 as an educational charity dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge about the healing properties of herbs.
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The Peony Society

Organisation to promote and share the enjoyment of peonies as garden plants. Includes bibliography, lists of suppliers and gardens, and informational pages on the plants.
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The British and European Geranium Society

Formed for amateur and professional growers with an interest in growing geraniums and related plants. Information about membership, annual show, events, and contacts.
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National Chrysanthemum Society

Founded in 1846, the society promotes the cultivation of the Chrysanthemum; its site offers information about society membership, forthcoming events, merchandise and publications, and a picture gallery.
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British Streptocarpus Society

Formed in 1999 for Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose) growers. Includes picture gallery, membership information and cultural advice.
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The British Gladiolus Society

An international society whose aims are to promote interest in the cultivation, breeding and improvement of the Gladiolus. Information on pests and diseases, shows and cultivation.
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The National Begonia Society

Society formed in 1948 for all begonia growers. Information on national and regional events, begonia culture, species and hybrids
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