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Society and Culture Websites

- Category ID : 155861
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Southwark Cyclists

Local group of the London Cycling Campaign. Includes newsletter, campaigns and training schemes.
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Pembroke House

Founded in 1885 by students from Pembroke College, Cambridge, to be a centre for social action in Walworth. History, details of activities, and how to get involved.
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Time and Talents Association

Rotherhithe and Bermondsey-based community charity. Annual reports and programme of activities.
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Bankside Open Spaces Trust

Maintains and promotes green spaces in North Southwark. Contains newsletter and guide to activities.
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Remember the Elephant

Project collecting memories of the Elephant and Castle area.
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Southwark Action for Voluntary Organisations

Umbrella group for voluntary sector groups in the borough.
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Guildable Manor

History, current contacts and activities of this ancient institution.
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The Dulwich Society

Covers planning and architecture, traffic and transport, trees, wildlife, local history and gardening.
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British Vintage Wireless and Television Museum

Exhibiting a range of radios, televisions, speakers and radiograms from the dawn of radio up to the last valve model ever made.
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Liberty Development Enterprise

Organisation providing solutions to pressing community needs in Southwark. Includes details of activities and programmes.
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Westminster House Youth Club

This Nunhead club describes its objectives and activities with annual report and gallery.
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Site about the local area including some quirky local landmarks
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Phoenix Futures

Charity offering treatment and support to people across London with problematic alcohol and drug use. Includes information about mission, values and services.
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Cyclists in Southwark

Social cycling group, with details of projects, services and forum.
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Volunteer Centre Southwark

Matches volunteers with suitable opportunities, with details of services for volunteers, groups and businesses.
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Southwark Carers

Offers one-to-one counselling for adults caring for someone or struggling with bereavement. Includes information about referrals and volunteering.

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