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Society and Culture Websites

- Category ID : 155129
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Enfield Liberal Democrats

News, candidates and contact details of Enfield Lib Dems.
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E A Bowles Society of Myddleton House

A charitable society set up to further interest in the life and work of plantsman E A Bowles and the conservation of his garden at Myddleton House, Enfield. Information about events and membership.
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Enfield Borough Over 50s Forum

Meets to influence decision makers on matters including health, education, leisure activities and transport, with details of affiliated organisations, constitution, full text of annual report, events and current campaigns.
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The Enfield Society

Preserves the green belt and local amenities. Details of special interest groups and events, an illustrated review of current projects, books for sale, annual report and joining information.
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Southgate Green Association

Concerns itself with matters such as planning applications affecting the Southgate Green conservation area, local history and art, local associations such as Selborne Bowling Club and the Christchurch Appeal. Details of completed projects, current issues such as traffic, a quiz, links and contact information.
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Old Minchendenians

General sports club in London, with cricket, football and golf sections and made up of a lot of old members of a nearby school.
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Enfield Disability Action

Describes self help groups, specialist workers, volunteers projects with downloadable newsletter and social security benefits update.
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Enfield Conservation Volunteers

Open to anyone aged 16 or over. Lists the programme for the current season and provides contact information.
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Sunflower Au-Pair Agency

Au-pair and mothers help agency with detailed information, terms, conditions and application forms.
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Enfield Island Village Trust

Includes details of the management, community centre, local history, forums and photographs.

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