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Home and Garden Websites

This category is for local businesses and economic activity related to products and services intended for the home and garden. Examples of products include sellers of plants, swimming pools, and windows. Examples of services include suppliers of water softeners, interior design, lawn maintenance, pest control, and house-sitting.

  • This category does not include sites about home repairs which are found in Enfield/Business_and_Economy/Construction_and_Maintenance.
  • Neither does it include sites for retail sellers of furniture which are found in Enfield/Business_and_Economy/Shopping.
  • - Category ID : 155109
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    Sash Restorations Ltd

    Offers sash window restoration and repair. Also provide draught proofing and a five year insurance backed guarantee.
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    Montana Kitchens

    Fitted kitchens, with examples of styles, appliances and accessories.
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    M K Fitters

    Bathroom and kitchen design and installation, with photographs.
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    Stephen Budgett Gardens

    Design, plan and maintain gardens throughout north London.
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    S & P Fabrications (London) Ltd

    Supplier of railings and gates, with examples for balconies, stairways and fire escapes.
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    Byron and Byron

    Trade-only design and manufacture of curtain poles and accessories with catalogues and list of retailers.
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    The Hot Box Trading Company

    MDF and wooden radiator covers and cabinets, with outlets in Enfield and Barnet.
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    Elegance Furniture

    Furnishing properties for landlords, with details of the company, online ordering and delivery arrangements.
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    Woodland Tree Surgery Ltd

    Tree management for homes and businesses, with details of service and areas covered.
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    Absolute Home Security

    Locksmith offering 24 hour cover within the M25 area. Includes details of services and contact information.
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    Enfield Garden Machinery

    Garden tools including lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, chainsaws and strimmers, with details of maintenance and spares.
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