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Society and Culture Websites

This category includes sites that reflect the make up of the community: its people, its history, and resources and institutions that serve the people, such as social service organisations.- Category ID : 149427
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Group of hackers in the United Kingdom. Information about meetings, projects, and links to personal pages.
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The Real Hull

An alternative source of editorial comment and news for the city of Kingston upon Hull.
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Garden Village

Sir James Reckitt, the prime mover in the building of the Garden Village, wanted it to be possible for each resident to have more space to enjoy and to grow their own vegetables. The Garden Village was built between 1907 and 1910.
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Alan Johnson MP

Labour MP for West Hull and Hessle. Includes biography, local information, photo gallery and contact.
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Goodwin Trust

Helping communities and community-based organisations to develop innovative new services through practical learning, knowledge management and networking.
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17th Hull Boys Brigade Company

Based at Kingston Wesley Methodist Church. Overview of each section, officers, news, events, and contacts.
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Hull Unitarian Church

A congregation of religious liberals in Hull. Information about worship, activities, history and the minister, with contact details.
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Kingston Upon Hull West and Hessle Liberal Democrats

News and information from Lib Dems in Kingston Upon Hull West and Hessle.
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Hull Bikers

Discussion forum for the bikers community in and around Hull.
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Humber All Nations Alliance

An umbrella organisation promoting the well being of BME communities in the Humber sub-region. Includes information about their programmes, membership, press coverage, and contacts.
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Carers Centre Hull

Offers support to those who look after a relative, a child or a friend with an illness or disability. Includes links of interest and a forum.
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Age Concern

Offers a range of services including fitness, insurance, information and educational classes.
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Sutton On Hull

If you have ever lived in Sutton or Wayne then there will be something of interest for you here.

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