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Travel and Tourism Websites

- Category ID : 145430
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Bus Services around Cambridge

A complete compilation of bus timetables.
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The City of Cambridge Visitor Guide

An overview of the attractions worth visiting in Cambridge, including the colleges and museums, from Mushroom Publishing.
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Cambridge Travel Guide

Guide to Bus, Train, Taxi and Coach Services in and around the City of Cambridge.
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Granta Punt Hire Company

Traditional punt hire, Canadian canoes, and rowing boats. Guided river tours through the famous Cambridge Colleges. Tourist Information.
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Cambridge Tailor-Made Tours

Offers a professional tourist guiding service for the city. Describes the organisation and its tours.
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Visit Cambridge

Official information from the City Council.
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Freedom Insurance Services Ltd

Pre existing medical condition travel insurance, uk, cambridge, travel medical insurance, pre-existing, medical, health, conditions, treatment, neurological, diseases, disorders, annual, policies, personal, liability, effects.
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Cambridge Punt Tours

Offers guided punt tours of Cambridge and the backs of the colleges.
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The Punting Company

Offers punt tours of Cambridge and the University. Profile, prices and booking form.
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The Cambridge Punting Company

Offers guided punt tours of the river Cam passing along the Backs part of the university. Profile and prices with a history of punting.
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Save Independent Punting

Independent punt operators in Cambridge are under threat from anti-competitive measures introduced by the City council.
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Isle of Man Direct

Travel agent specialising in the Isle of Man. Profile, packages and information about accommodation.
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Cambridge River Tours

Small independent operation providing guided punt tours of the colleges on the River Cam. Profile, offers, bookings, FAQ, photos and contacts.

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