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Organisations Websites

- Category ID : 144050
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Association for Science Education

Professional association for teachers of science. Includes membership details, publications, INSET, conferences, journals and resources.
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National Association of Headteachers

Professional Association serving all Heads and Deputies in all sectors of Education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Includes profile, services, documents and membership information.
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Collaborative Learning Project, England

Supporting a cooperative network of teaching professionals throughout the European Union to support inclusive education and develop and disseminate accessible teaching materials in all subject areas and for all ages.
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A free helpline offering e-mail and telephone support to governors of maintained schools in England. Lists services, members area and site map.
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Association of Teachers of Mathematics

Aims to support the teaching and learning of mathematics by encouraging increased understanding and enjoyment of mathematics. Includes news, resources, and membership information.
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The National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE)

A volunteer-run organisation dedicated to good practice in the teaching of English. Membership information, publications, and details of courses and conferences.
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Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education

An independent committee which acts as a single voice for the UK mathematical community, seeking to improve the quality of education in schools and colleges.
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British Association for South Asian Studies

BASAS is the largest UK academic association for the study of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives and the South Asian Diaspora. Includes news and information on the annual conference.
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United Church Schools Trust (UCST)

A Christian educational charity which manages a family of academies across the country. Includes a list and map of the academies, the names of the ULT board, and news and information on the aims and activities of the charity.
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Information on Hodder Home Learning and other educational resources for parents.
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