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Student Unions Websites

- Category ID : 143998
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Chester Students Union

Contains articles, elections, photographs, jokes and cartoons, competitions, and the executive committee.
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Winchester Student Union

Information on services, welfare, shops, bars and events, plus key policies, student academic representation, FAQs, clubs and societies, and job vacancies.
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BUGS - Birmingham University Guild of Students

Browse student groups, find out about events, play games and find a job.
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Oxford University Student Union

Services for Students at Oxford University, including Welfare, Campaigns and the Student Shop.
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Cambridge University Graduate Union

Includes news and events, information about graduate life, discussion forums, email bulletin archive, and details of the union shop.
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Kingston Student Union

Contains biographies of representatives, meeting minutes, news, and events.
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Cardiff University Students Union

Information about the facilities available for students in Cardiff.
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Swansea University Students Union

Various societies, photos, and general information for students.
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Robert Gordon University Student Union

Contains news, club links, and election outlines.
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Student Union Directory

Directory of student union websites
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Hull University Union

Provides details of elections, committees, and details of clubs, facilities and services.
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Kings College London Student Union

Contains campaign details, calendar, and discussion forum.
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Nottingham Trent Students Union

Contains details of events, facilities, bars and news.
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Students Union Bournemouth University

Provides details of representatives, campaigns, clubs, and services.
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Anglia Ruskin Student Union

Provides details of elections, representation, bars, and buildings.
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University of Manchester Student Union

Includes advice, activities and campaign details.
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Glasgow University Union

Information on the facilities available, and a history of the Union.
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Liverpool Students Union

Contains a photo gallery, news, and links to clubs.
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Glasgow Caledonian University Students Association

Contains details of representation, welfare services, and sports.
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Leeds University Union

Includes advice, message boards, and campaign details.
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Cambridge University Students Union

Information about the union, news and notices, details of services, entertainment, campaigns, and publications.
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Birkbeck, University of London, Student Union

Includes a calendar of events, details of clubs, and news.

Subcategories under Student Unions 2

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