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Machinery Websites

- Category ID : 142450
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McMurtry Ltd

Makers of robotic and remote controlled turf machinery.
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Makers of domestic and professional mowers, and tractor mounted mowing equipment.
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Muck Truck

Manufactures powered wheel barrows that can move large loads in a small space. Contact information and gallery.
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Rotomation Ltd

Automated machinery for growers, and for crop protection in the glasshouse or polytunnel.
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ETC Grass Machinery

Offers new and used turf care and grass keeping equipment for the leisure and farm industry. Stock list, photographs, and contacts.
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A and G

Grass and garden machinery dealers in Suffolk.
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Bomford Turner

Manufacturers of agricultural and municipal flail hedge cutters, front end loaders and cultivators.
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Hughie Willett Machinery

Machinery dealers for new and used horticultural, agricultural and groundcare equipment, including machinery for domestic and professional use. West Midlands.
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Danarm Machinery Limited

Suppliers of professional garden machinery.
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Rochford Garden Machinery Ltd.

Suppliers of garden machinery to the trade, professional ground maintenance users and domestic markets.
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Fletcher Stewart

Stockport based distributor for a range of machinery for grounds and tree work.
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Orange Plant

Northeast-based supplier of Timberworld woodchippers, including power take off models, and Arborplant tracked wood chippers.
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GreenMech Ltd

Manufacturers of wood chippers, green waste shredders and stump grinders. Company history and product range.
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Spearhead Machinery Ltd

Grass cutting and scrub clearance equipment for the agricultural and municipal markets.
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Dennis Mowers

Machinery for turf maintenance on all scales.
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Redexim - Charterhouse

Supplies a range of machinery for turfcare, including aeration, seeding, topdressing, and cleaning.
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Gusthart Horticultural and Arboricultural Supplies

Horticultural and arboricultural equipment suppliers; service and sales of machinery, protective clothing and climbing equipment for tree surgeons.
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Suppliers of reconditioned engines for all major makes of tractors and agricultural machinery. Product details with pricing.
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Great Dane Mowers

Importers and distributors of zero-turn professional grass cutting equipment, including ride-on, stand-on and walk-behind mowers. Product information including photographs.
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Severnside Plant

Distributor of the Muck truck, a load shifting, powered mini dumper. Includes product information and demonstration video clips.
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BLEC Landscaping Equipment

Manufacturer of specialist landscaping, grounds construction and turfcare machinery. Product details and contact information provided.
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Rekord Sales Ltd

UK importer of the Rapid range of hydrostatic drive single axle tractors and grounds care equipment. Includes location details and search facilities.
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Outdoor City

Ride-on lawn mowers, garden tractors, and other garden chore performers. Product details and online purchasing.
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Allett Mowers Ltd.

Manufacturer of a range of cylinder mowers for professional use, on football pitches, golf courses, cricket squares and parks.
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Bernhard and Co.

Machinery and services for the maintenance of turf machinery.
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What Kit?

A guide for buyers of landscape and amenity equipment including chainsaws, mowers, tractors and brushcutters. From Horticulture Week.
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Wiedenmann (UK) Ltd.

Distributors of sportsground maintenance equipment. Product information and dealer lists.
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Charterhouse Turf Machinery

Suppliers of turf maintenance machinery and other turfcare products.
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Campey Turfcare

Supplier of turf maintenance machinery, including Koro and Dakota brands. Has a secondhand equipment list online. Macclesfield.
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Toro UK

Information on their range of grass machinery, including domestic, grounds maintenance and irrigation equipment.
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Fleetline Markers

Suppliers of line-marking machines, including top of the range laser guided models, also related supplies and accessories.
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Westwood Tractors

Produces ride-on garden mowers for domestic and light commercial use.
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Rivendell Projects

Distributor of Protea brand turf and sports ground maintenance machinery.
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Supplies sportsground and turf maintenance machinery. Staffordshire.
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Lloyds & Co

Makers of specialist professional mowing machinery. Brief product information.
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Echo Tools

Website of Countax, UK distributors of Echo chainsaws, strimmers, and other powered equipment.
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DJ Turfcare

Distributor of turf maintenance machinery for domestic and sportsground use.
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Makers of specialist turf maintenance and other mowing machinery.
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Hamilton Design

Manufacturer and supplier of machinery for seeding and plug raising.
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The Grass Group

Suppliers of ground care products and services including vacuum sweepers, top dressers, turf harvesters and mowers. Provides details of Trilo and other products for sale and hire.
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Mowers Plus

Retailers of a wide range of lawnmowers and garden machinery. Provides company information, a product catalogue, information on equipment hire and an online shop.
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Cheshire Turf Machinery

Offer products for domestic and commercial users.
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Henry Armer and Son

Family owned specialist supplier of grounds maintenance, agricultural and forestry equipment to golf course, commercial and domestic customers in the north of England.
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John Deere

Manufacturer of John Deere tractors and other farm equipment for British and Irish farmers.
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Suppliers of two-wheel tractors, utility transport vehicles, turf and other machinery.
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Manufacturer of a range of horticulture equipment for garden centres, nurseries, soft fruit growers, wholesalers and distributors. Also offers consultancy services and bespoke product development.
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FGM Claymore

Distributor of range of mowers and outdoor power equipment. Product specifications and contact information.
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Grasshopper Ltd.

Supplies a range of garden machinery and equipment for commercial and domestic purposes.
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Artificial Grass Cambridge Ltd.

Specialise in maintenance of all sports surfaces, from regular maintenance to full rejuvenation and surface repairs.
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